Please remember in your prayers the soul of our dear husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather Bill Zeitz. He always kept the Faith and guided us to do so for nearly 52 years of marriage and family.
May the Perpetual Light shine upon him, may he rest in peace.
TO ORDER OR REQUEST: or 715-539-3637
ABOUT BNZ: Due to the nature of our product (used and rare books that are sometimes one-of-a-kind) and the limitations of a small home-based business, at this time we are still handling orders “the old-fashioned way” as we have for the last thirty years. Being online is all the change we can handle at the moment! If this is ok with you, we welcome you to the ranks of our loyal and satisfied customers, many of whom have become good friends.
TO ORDER: If you find a book or books you would like to purchase, please send an e-mail to Please give us the number and title of the book and your specific choice if there is more than one available according to year, condition, etc. We will advise you if your choice is available and give you a total including postage and handling. You may then send a check or money order made out to BNZ to BNZ, W2928 County Road G, Merrill, WI 54452 and we will send the books right out as soon as we receive your order via snail mail. This may seem cumbersome to those of you accustomed to “click and ship”, but remember, some of these treasures have been around for many years and are worth a slightly longer wait! You may also call our home phone 715-539-3637 with questions or if you do not have email but email is definitely an easier option for me. Leave a message if I am unable to answer. Thank you
SHIPPING AND HANDLING: In the U.S. our rates are a $5 minimum depending on size for the first book plus a reasonable estimate for additional books. We wrap your books with care and routinely ship media rate via the United States Post Office, which does provide tracking numbers and estimated delivery dates.
It is with great regret that we must report that we now are limiting sales to the U.S. only, primarily because…well, to be honest, the main worker at BNZ is getting old and just can’t deal with it! If you have relatives in the U.S. who can easily ship to you in Canada or overseas, we will gladly mail your order to them.
SPECIAL REQUESTS: We have many more books than those listed here, though we are adding titles as time permits, so you may also give us “want lists” within reason. We sent out hard-copy catalogs for many years but are no longer able to manage that for several reasons. However we could e-mail or send a hard copy list of specific authors or areas of interest if we have them inventoried. We will do our best to help you to acquire these good books, especially since we do believe that the fervent prayers of the innocent and pious are presently staying the Hand of God!
Thank you in advance for your patience and courtesy! Please pray the Rosary for peace and especially remember the Poor Souls in Purgatory.
Sincerely in Christ, Bill +RIP+ and Nancy