HB-79a.Analytical Concordance to the Bible – Containing about 311,000 References, Subdivided under the Hebrew and Greek Originals, with the Literal Meaning and Pronunciation of Each; Index Lexicons to the Old and New Testaments; A Complete List of Scripture Proper Names; Recent Discoveries in Bible Lands, Robert Young, and William F. Albright; 20th American Edition, by WM. B. Stevenson; Funk and Wagnalls Co; 1936; 1090pp+93pp+45pp, 11 ¼ tall; Very Good Hardcover $15
HB-80.Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia, Old Testament, John E. Steinmueller, S.T.D. and Kathryn Sullivan, R.S.C.J., Introduction Athanasius Miller, O.S.B. and New Testament, Steinmueller and Sullivan, Introduction James M. Voste, O.P.; 1955; Joseph F. Wagner; 1163+679+13 pages Illustrated, 10 ¼” tall; Good Hardcover $80
HB-81.Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia, Old and New Testaments, John E. Steinmueller and Kathryn Sullivan; 1949-1955, Joseph F. Wagner; 1949-1955; 2 volumes Illustrated, 10 ¼” tall; Good+ Hardcover $80 set Volume Two (New Testament) only; Good+ Hardcover $24 7 copies
HB-82.Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture; Dom Bernard Orchard, Rev. Edmund Sutcliffe, S.J., Rev. Reginald Fuller, Dom Ralph Russell; Thomas Nelson; 1951; 1312pp with Maps, 10 ½”tall; Good Hardcover $60
HB-83.The Catholic Companion to the Bible, compilation by Ralph L. Woods; 1956, J. Lippincott and Co; 1956; 313pp, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12 Good Hardcover $8
HB-84a.The Catholic Student’s “Aids” to the Bible,Volume I The Old Testament, Hugh Pope, O.P., Preface by Cardinal Bourne; R. and T. Washbourne; 1918; 465pp with Map, 7 ¼” tall; Good Hardcover, possible foxing on edges $12
HB-85.A Companion to Scripture Studies: Volume I General Introduction to the Bible; Volume II Special Introduction to the Old Testament; Volume III Special Introduction to the New Testament, John E. Steinmueller, S.T.D.; Joseph F. Wagner; 1941-1943; 3 volumes, 8 ¾”tall, Good+ Hardcover SALE $45 set
HB-86.Complete Concordance to the Bible (Douay Version), Rev. Newton Thompson and Raymond Stock; B. Herder Book Co; 1945-1962; 1914pp, 10 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover SALE $30
HB-87.A Concise Dictionary of the Bible, Its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History, William Smith; John Murray; 1889; 1039pp Illustrated, 9 ½”tall; Good repaired Hardcover $24
HB-88.Concordance of Proper Names in the Holy Scriptures, Thomas David Williams; B. Herder Book Co; 1928; 1056pp, 9 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover $22
HB-89.Concordance to the Greek Testament According to Texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English Revisers; T. and T. Clark; 1970; 1033pp, 10 ½” tall,Very Good Hardcover $12
HB-90.Concordantiarum SS. Scripturae Manuale (Latin only), PP. de Raze, de Lachaud, et Flandrin, S.J., Ill. DD. Cardinali de Bonald; Editorial Librería; 1958; 751pp, 7 ¾” tall; Good+ Hardcover, inner hinge reinforcement $14 1939 J. Gabalda et Socios; 8” tall; Good Hardcover, spine repair $12 1889 Apud Victorem Lecoffre; 8”tall, Good Hardcover, marbled boards $14
HB-91.Dictionary of the Bible, John L. McKenzie, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1965; 954pp with Illustrations and Maps; 9 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12 Good Paperback $8
HB-92.Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Edited by Xavier Leon-Dufour, translated by P. Joseph Cahill, S.J.; Geoffrey Chapman; 1969; 618pp, 9 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12 New Revised Second Edition 1977; Seabury; Very Good Hardcover $14
HB-92a.Dictionary of the Vulgate New Testament, J.M. Harden; Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; 1921; 126pp, 7”tall; Good+ Hardcover $10
HB-93.Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible, Louis F. Hartman, C.SS.R; McGraw-Hill; 1963; 2634pp with Illustrations and Maps, 9 ½”tall; Good repaired Hardcover $24
HB-94.English Versions of the Bible, Rev. Hugh Pope, O.P., Revised by Rev. Sebastian Bullough, O.P; B. Herder; 1952; 787pp, 9 ½” tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $32 Good repaired Hardcover $28
HB-95.A General Introduction to the Bible, Volume II: Textual Biblical Criticism, Higher Criticism, and Archaelogy, Rev. Chas. P. Grannan; B. Herder; 1921; 171pp, 7 ¾” tall; Very Good Hardcover $12
HB-96.A General Introduction to the Sacred Scriptures, A Series of Dissertations Critical, Hermenentical, and Historical (2 Volumes in 1), Rev. Joseph Dixon; John Murphy and Co; 1853; 271pp, 9 ½”tall; Good repaired Hardcover $24
HB-97.A General and Critical Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture, A. E. Breen; John P. Smith Printing House; 1897; 606pp, 11” tall; Good Hardcover, hinge-repair, scuffed boards $50
HB-98.A General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture, A. E. Breen; Roman Catholic Books; Imprimatur for 2nd Edition 1908; 813pp, 9 ¼” tall; Very Good Hardcover reprint $30 1908 Second Edition; John P. Smith Printing Co; Good Hardcover, possible pencil underlining $24 1933 Third Edition; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; 9 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover $30
HB-99.General Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture – Principles, Methods, History, and Results of Its Departments and of the Whole, Charles Augustus Briggs; T. and T. Clark; 1906; 688pp, 9 ¼” tall; Good+ Hardcover, hinge-repair possible $18
HB-100.General Introduction to the Study of the Holy Scriptures, Rev. Francis E. Gigot; Benziger Brothers; 1900-1905; 606pp Illustrated, 8 ¼” tall; Good Hardcover $12 Abridged Edition 1904; 347pp, 8” tall; Very Good Hardcover $10
HB-101.Guide to the Bible, an Introduction to the Study of Holy Scripture, Published by A. Robert and A. Tricot; Desclee Co; 1951; 2 volumes, Illustrations and Maps, 9”tall; Very Good Hardcover $18 Volume I only; Good Hardcover $8 1960 Volume I only; Very Good Hardcover $10
HB-102.Guide to the Bible, Monks of Maredsous; Sands and Co; 1953; 92pp with Maps; 7 ¼” tall; Good Paperback $6 1958 Templegate; Good Paperback $5
HB-103.A Handbook of Scripture Study (Volume I General Introduction; Volume II Old Testament; Volume III New Testament), Rev. H. Schumacher; B. Herder Book Co; 1922-1926; 3 volumes Illustrated, 7 ½” tall; Very Good Hardcover set $60 sold Volume I, General Introduction; Very Good Hardcover $18 Volume III,New Testament; Good Hardcover $16
HB-103a.Index to the New Testament and Topical Analysis in the New Testament, Aloysius Seubert; Universal Publications; 1955; 142pp, 8 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover $4
HB-105.Outlines of Bible Knowledge, Rev. S. G. Messmer; B. Herder and Co; 1927; 302pp with Illustrations and Maps, 9”tall; Good Hardcover $12
HB-106.Outlines of Bible Study, Rev. John C. Dougherty; Bruce Publishing; 1934-1947; 212pp Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover $14
HB-107.A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture, Volume I Old Testament, Volume II New Testament, Father Frederick Justus Knecht; B. Herder; 1894-1901; 2 volumes Illustrated, 8”-9″ tall; Good Hardcover, spine-repair $24
HB-108.A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture, Father Frederick Justus Knecht; B. Herder; 1930; 839pg with Illustrations and Maps, 9”tall; Good Hardcover $32 sold Tan Books; 1923 Imprimatur, 2003 Printing; Very Good Paperback $24
HB-109.Practical Handbook for the Study of the Bible and of Bible Literature Including Geography, Antiquities, Introduction to the Old and the New Testament, and Hermeneutics, Dr. Michael Seisenberger; Joseph F. Wagner; 1911; 491/507pp, 9”tall; Good repaired Hardcover $22 1925 Good Hardcover $24
HB-110.The Study of the Bible, L.-CL. Fillion, S.S., translated John C. Reville, S.J.; P. J. Kenedy and Sons; 1926; 310pp, 8 ¾” tall; Good+ Hardcover $52 Good repaired Hardcover $36
HB-111.A Textual Concordance of the Holy Scriptures Arranged Especially for Use in Preaching, Rev. Thomas David Williams; Benziger Brothers; 1908; 848pp, 9” tall; Good Hardcover, hinge-repair $12 Tan Books; 1985 Printing; Very Good Hardcover $14
HB-112.Verbal Concordance to the New Testament (Rheims Version), Rev. Newton Thompson; John Murphy Co; 1928; 394pp, 11”tall; Good Hardcover, spine-repair, foxing possible $12