CL-4.A Boy and His Teens, Father Richard Madden, O.C.D.; Bruce Publishing; 1963; 111pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover SALE $4
CL-16.Listen, Son – A Father’s Talks on the Facts of Life and Catholic Ideals of Social Conduct, in Three Parts; Franciscan Herald Press; Seventh Printing 1956; 72pg, 7” tall; Very Good Paperback, first page loose $6
CL-20.The Parish and Play, Some Notes on the Boy Problem, Paul Hanly Furfey; Introduction William J. Kerby; Dolphin Press; 1928; 181pg Illustrated, 8 ½” tall; Very Good Hardcover, scarce $18
CL-21.Talks to Boys – Getting Ready to Be a Man, Joseph P. Conroy, S.J.; Benziger Brothers; 1923; 192pg Illustrated, 7 ¼” tall; Fair Paperback, repaired front cover, missing back $6
CL-29.Facing Life (Second Series) – Meditations for Young Women, Raoul Plus, S.J.; Burns Oates and Washbourne; 1928; 158pg, 6” tall; Very Good Hardcover $14
CL-30.A Girl and Her Teens – A Positive Program for Teen-Age Girls, Father Peter-Thomas Rohrbach, O.C.D.; Bruce Publishing; 1959-1963; 123pg, 8 ¾” tall; Very Good Paperback $5 Good Paperback, underlining possible, ex-library $3
CL-35.Mother’s Little Helper, Part Three only (girls 15-18), Marian Mothers; 1951, Marian Mothers; 32pg, 6”tall; Very Good Paperback $4
CL-38.Those Terrible Teens, Vincent P. McCorry, S.J.; Declan X. McMullen Co; 1947; 184pg, 8 ¼” tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $5
CL-43.Christian Courtesy, compiled by the Student Council Courtesy Committee of Notre Dame Academy, under the supervision of Sister Anna Marie P.B.V.M; Catechetical Guild; 32pg, 6 ¾”tall; Very Good Booklet $6
CL-52.Listen to This! Retreat Readings for Catholic Youth Rev. Charles Connors, J.C.D.; 1947, Catholic Book Publishing; 1947; 126pg Illustrated, 5 ½” tall; Good Hardcover, slight foxing and water spotting, rare $15
CL-58.Missions for Children, A Plea and an Outline, Rev. Cornelius Shyne, S.J; Introduction by Dr. Edward Fitzpatrick; 1930, Bruce Publishing; Reprinted from the Catholic School Journal; 1930; 56pg, 6 ¾”tall; Very Good Paperback, rare $6
CL-59.More Catechism Stories – A Teacher’s Aid-Book, Rev. F. H. Drinkwater; 1955, Newman Press; 201pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, some water damage $6
CL-63.Sacred Voices and Other Talks with the Young, Frederick M. Lynk, S.V.D.; Mission Press; Second Edition 1918; 64pg Illustrated, 7 ½”tall; Good Paperback, faded cover, some shelf-wear $6
CL-64.Sermons for Children’s Masses – According to the Sundays and Principal Festivals of the Year, With Advice to the Young on the Last Day of the Scholastic Year and After a Retreat, Adapted from the original of Rev. Raphael Frassinetti by Very Rev. Dean A. A. Lings; Benziger Brothers; 1900; 367pg, 8 ¼”tall; Poor Hardcover, broken spine, some underlining and writing, loose pages, good content $6
CL-65.Small Talks for Small People, Rev. Thomas J. Hosty, Preface Very Rev. Malachy P. Foley; Bruce Publishing; Second Printing 1943; 136pg, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, possible ex-library $8 Good Hardcover, ex-library, some repair, underlining or writing possible $4
CL-69.Straight from the Shoulder, Rev. Thomas J. Hosty, Preface by Right Rev. Daniel F. Cunningham; Bruce; 1951 Third Printing; 114pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover SALE $5
CL-70.Sunday Morning Storyland, Sermons for the Children’s Mass, Rev. Wilfrid J. Diamond; Bruce Publishing; Second Printing 1947; 119pg, 8”tall, Fair Hardcover, ex-library, worn cover, foxing possible $10
CL-73.Talks to Teen-Agers, An Aid-book with Catholic School-leavers, Rev. F. H. Drinkwater; Newman Press; Second Impression 1956; 110pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $8
CL-76.Tips to Sanctity for Youth – With a Supplementary Discourse of Pope Pius XII to Youth, Father Ted, S.S.P.; Pious Society of St. Paul; 1947; 63pg, 8”tall; Good Paperback, soiled cover, rare $14
CL-80.The Adolescent, His Development and His Major Problems, Henry C. Schumacher; Catholic Conference on Family Life; Fourth Edition 1947; 88pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
CL-81.The Adolescent Boy, William A. Connell, S.J., Edited by Barry McGannon, S.J., Illustrated by Donald Baumgart; Fides Publishers; 1958; 175pg Illustrated, 6 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $5
CL-82.As Stars for All Eternity, Meditations for Teachers, Brothers of the Christian Schools, Revised by Brother Francis Patrick; Bruce Publishing; 1961 Third Printing; 255pg, 7”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library SALE $5
CL-85.The Christian Mother, The Education of Her Children and Her Prayer, with an Account of the Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers, Together with its Rules, Prayers, Indulgences, etc, Right Rev. W. Cramer, Translated by Rev. J. P. M. Schleuter, S.J., Introduction by His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons; Refuge of Sinners Publishing; 2014; 288pg, 5 ¾”tall; Excellent Paperback $10
CL-85a.Christopher’s Talks to Catbolic Children Book 2, David L. Greenstock; Burns Oates; 1944-1947; 188pg Illustrated, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $15
CL-86.Christopher’s Talks to Catholic Parents, David L. Greenstock, Introduction by Charles Burns; Burns and Oates;1951; 274pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good repaired Hardcover, ex-library, stains on cover $8 2013 Refuge of Sinners Publishing; As New Paperback $12
CL-87.Christopher’s Talks to the Little Ones, David L. Greenstock; Refuge of Sinners Publishing; 2014; 160pg Illustrated, 7 ½”tall; As New Paperback $7
CL-88.Collapses in Adult Life, Sequel to “The Formation of Character” Ernest R. Hull, S.J.; Examiner Press; Second Edition 1930; 116pg, 7”tall; Fair Paperback, damaged top corner of spine, water spots, rare $12
CL-89.Concerning Your Children, Rev. Edgar Schmiedeler, O.S.B.; National Catholic Welfare Conference; 1931; 34pg, 7 ¼”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
CL-90.Directors and Officers’ Manual for the Establishment and Direction of Confraternities of Christian Mothers, Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers; 1957; 141pg, 5 ¼”tall; Good+ Paperback, some writing possible $5
CL-92.Forming a Christian Mentality, Chapters for the Religious Guidance of Youth for Priests, Parents and Teachers, Kilian J. Hennrich, O.F.M.Cap; Joseph F. Wagner; 1945; 288pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $7
CL-93.Helping Youth to Grow, Rev. Joseph G. Kempf; Bruce Publishing; 1941; 204pg, 8 ¾” tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $10
CL-97.Safe at Home, For Parents of Teen-agers, With Aids for Discussion Club, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; 1951; 96pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback, rare $12
CL-100.Some Notes for the Guidance of Parents, Daniel A. Lord, S.J.; Queen’s Work; 1944; 252pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, some underlining $8
CL-101.Some Notes on the Guidance of Youth, Daniel A. Lord, S.J.; Queen’s Work; 1938; 174pg, 8 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, possible repair $5 1951 Eighth Printing; Good Paperback, stains on cover $5
CL-107.Your Teen-Agers: How to Survive Them, Alvena Burnite; Bruce Publishing; 1952; 167pg, 8 ¾” tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $5
CL-111.Barbarous Babies, A Simplified Study of Child Psychology for Parents and Teachers, With Questions for Discussion Clubs, Rt. Reverend Peter M. H. Wynhoven; Our Sunday Visitor Press; 1942; 208pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $10
CL-113.The Catholic Family Handbook; Rev. George A. Kelly, Foreword Francis Cardinal Spellman; Image; 1959-1965; 278pg, ”tall; 7 ¼”tall, Very Good Paperback $8
CL-114.The Christian Family, Seven Conferences Adapted from the Original of Monsignor D’Hulst, Rev. Bertrand L. Conway, C.S.P.; Joseph F. Wagner; 1905; 109pp, 8”tall; Good Hardcover, possible ex-library $7
CL-115.The Christian Family (Sermons on the Perils that Threaten the Catholic Home), Rev. Tihamer Toth; B. Herder Book Co.; 1943-1952; 211pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $14
CL-121.The Family and the Bible, Mary Reed Newland, Foreword Carroll Stuhlmueller, C.P.; Random House; 1963; 272pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $7
CL-123.Family Life in Christ; Therese Mueller; Liturgical Press; Third Edition 1946; 32pg; 7”tall; Very Good Paperback $10 1942 Second Edition;Good Paperback $8 1952 Edition; Good Paperback $6
CL-127.The Family and the Cross, Joseph A. Breig; Catholic Family Book Club Edition with My First Seventy Years (Sister M. Madeleva), The Vanishing Island (Charles C. O’Connell) and Three Who Ventured (Myles Connolly); 1959; 380pg; Very Good Hardcover $15
CL-137.Homemade Christians, Mary Reed Newland; Geo. A. Pflaum Publisher; 1964; 128pg, 6 ½” tall; Good Paperback, soiled cover $5
CL-139.Life with My Mary, Joseph A. Breig; Bruce Publishing; 1955; 202pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover SALE $5
CL-141.The Looking Glass; Walter Farrell, O.P.; Lumen Books; 1951; 156pp, 7”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
CL-142.Marriage and Parenthood – The Catholic Ideal, Rev. Thomas J. Gerrard, Revised by the Rev. Edgar Schmiedeler, O.S.B.; Joseph F. Wagner; 1949; 178pg Illustrated, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $12 1948 Seventh Printing; Very Good Paperback $8
CL-144.A Mother’s Retreat, Sister M. Paschala, O.P.; 1956, Benedictine Press; 1956; 48pg Illustrated, 5 ¾”tall; Very Good Paperback, slight foxing $10
CL-145.My Nameday – Come for Dessert, Helen McLoughlin; Liturgical Press; 1962; 320pg Illustrated, 8”tall; Good Paperback $10
CL-146.My Pants When I Die, Joseph A. Breig; 1952, McMullen Books; 1952; 159pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardback $6
CL-147.Our Christian Home, Reverend Joseph A. Fischer; Our Lady of Good Hope Parish; 1954; 113pg, 6 ¾” tall; Good Paperback, some repair $6
CL-148.Our Place in the Christian Family, A Study of Papal Attitudes toward Home and Family, J. Roger Lyons, S.J.; Queen’s Work; 1943; 48pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $4
CL-149.Preparation for Catholic Family Life, Bakewell Morrison, S.J.; National Catholic Conference on Family Life; 1940; 156pg, 7 ½” tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $8
CL-151.The Province of the Heart, Phyllis McGinley; 1959 Viking Press or 1963 Catholic Book Club; 181pg, 8 ½” tall; Very Good Hardcover SALE $4
CL-152.Religious Customs in the Family, the Radiation of the Liturgy into Christian Homes, Rev. Francis X. Weiser, S.J.; Liturgical Press; 1956; 95pg, 7 ¼”tall; Good+ Booklet $5
CL-153.Sacramental Protection of the Family, Emerson Hynes; National Catholic Rural Life Conference; 1945; 17pg Illustrated, 8” tall; Good Paperback $10
CL-156.The Story of the Trapp Family Singers; Maria Augusta Trapp; Scholastic Book Services; 8th Printing 1971; 380pg, 6 ½” tall; Good+ Paperback $5
CL-158.Teaching Religion at Home, Mary Reed Newland; 1964, Reprinted from 1959 Issue of Cross and Crown; 19pg, 8”tall; Good Paperback, slight foxing $3
CL-161.We and Our Children, Molding the Child in Christian Living, Mary Reed Newland; Image Books; 1961; 273pp, 7 ¼”tall; Good Paperback, ex-library $4
CL-164.Yesterday, Today, and Forever, Maria Augusta Trapp; J. B. Lippincott Co; 1952; 220pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good repaired Hardcover, ex-library $8 1977 New Leaf Press; 174pg, 7”tall; Very Good Paperback $4
CL-166.Accent on Purity, A Guide for Sex Instruction, Joseph E. Haley, C.S.C,; 1948, Fides Publishers; 1948; 84pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Paperback, spiral-bound $5
CL-168.Dressing with Dignity, Colleen Hammond; Tan Books and Publishers; Second Edition 2005; 138pg, 8 ¼”tall; As New Paperback $5
CL-171.How to Give Sex Instructions, A Guide for Parents, Teachers and Others Responsible for the Training of Young People, P. J. Bruckner, S.J., Foreword by Daniel A. Lord, S.J.; Queen’s Work; 1937; 64pg, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
CL-172.In Defense of Purity, An Analysis of the Catholic Ideals of Purity and Virginity, Dietrich Von Hildebrand; 1935, Sheed and Ward; 1935; 196pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $14 1970 Franciscan Herald Press; Good Paperback, loose first page, ex-library $10
CL-174.A Modern Messenger of Purity, Talks to the Laity Concerning the Sixth Commandment, Rev. Albert H. Dolan, O.Carm.; Carmelite Press; Fourth Printing 1935; 188pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, rare $22 Good Paperback, some repair $10
CL-175.Modern Youth and Chastity, Gerald Kelly, S.J.; Queen’s Work; 1944-1948; 105pg, 7 ½” tall; Good Paperback $5 1964 Liguorian-Queen’s Work Pamphlets;Very Good Paperback $8
CL-177.Sex Education and Training in Chastity, Rev. Felix Kirsch, O.M.Cap., Foreword Most Rev. John T. McNicholas, O.P; Benziger; 1930; 540pg, 6 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, solid binding, clean pages $5 Good Hardcover, front end papers torn out $4 Good Hardcover, notes or underlining $3