CHR-3.Can Christ Help Me? C.C. Martindale, S.J.; Newman Press; 1950; 205pg, 7”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $6
CHR-4.Chats with Jesus, Volume IV, Rev. W.H. Russell; P.J. Kenedy; 1946; 149pg, 6 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover $8
CHR-5.Christ (Religion and Culture Series), Rev. F.J. Mueller; Bruce Publishing; 1935; 239pg, 8”tall; Good+ Hardcover $12
CHR-6.Christ and the Christian, Robert W. Gleason, S.J.; Sheed & Ward; 1959; 179pg, 8 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, wear to spine & corners $4
CHR-7.Christ and Us, Jean Daniélou, translation Walter Roberts; Sheed & Ward; 1961; 236pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, shelf worn $4
CHR-8.Christ and Womankind, Peter Ketter, translated from 2nd enlarged and revised edition by Isabel McHugh; Newman; 1952; 446pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover, d/j, tape marks $10
CHR-12.Christ Is All, John Carr, C.S.S.R.; Newman Bookshop; Fourth Impression 1948; 143pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10
CHR-13.Christ or Chaos, Rev. Martin Scott, S.J.; P.J. Kenedy; 1924; 267pg, 7”tall; Good Hardcover, library-bound $10
CHR-14.Christ Our Brother, Karl Adam, translated Dom Justin McCann, O.S.B.; Macmillan Co.; 1931; 210pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover $7 Good Hardcover, ex-library $5
CHR-15.Christ Our Life Our Love (Thoughts on Christ for All the Feasts of the Year), Rev. Timothy Harris; Clonmore & Reynolds; 1952; 178pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $7
CHR-17.Christ Today, Addresses from the Catholic Hour, Very Rev. Ignatius Smith; National Council of Catholic Men; 1932; 48pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Booklet $5
CHR-17a.The Divine Savior, a Presentation of Our Lord’s Earthly Mission, Serving to Make Him Better Known and Loved, Rev. Winfrid Herbst; Benziger Brothers; 1932; 216pg Illustrated, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $14
CHR-19.Eternal Thoughts from Christ the Teacher (Treasury of Spiritual Thoughts from an Unknown Author of 1669), edited by Richard Cardinal Cushing; St. Paul Editions; 1961; 2 volumes, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $24 Volume II only, Good Hardcover $8
CHR-21.The Great Teacher, a Course of Sermons on Christ the Divine Teacher, Very Rev. Tihamer Toth, translated A. G. Agoti, edited Rev. Newton Thompson; B. Herder; 1943-1951; 262pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $7 Good Hardcover $5
CHR-22.In Christ, a Brief Exposition of the Christian Life, Father Cuthbert, O.S.F.C.; Benziger; 1933; 213pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, some wear to boards, ex-library $12
CHR-24.In the Likeness of Christ, Rev. Edward Leen; Sheed & Ward; 1936-1945; 361pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, possible ex-library SALE $5
CHR-28.Jesus Appeals to the World, the Unceasing Act of Love Revealed to the Capuchin Nun Sister Mary Consolata (1903-1946), Father Lorenzo Sales, translated A. J. M. Mausloff; Society of St. Paul; 1955; 224pg, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8 sold
CHR-29.Jesus as Men Saw Him, Martin J. Scott, S.J.; P.J. Kenedy; 1940; 207pg, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10
CHR-29a.Jesus Christ the Exiled King, Rev. Henry Woods, S.J.; B. Herder Book Co.; 1926; 295pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library, rare $28
CHR-30.Jesus the Saviour, Father James, O.F.M.Cap.; Newman Press; 1956; 145pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover, faded boards $7 Good Hardcover, ex-library $6
CHR-31.Living with Christ in God, Bernières-Louvigny, English version Sister Mary Aloysi Kiener, S.N.D., Foreword Very Rev. Joseph Kreuter, O.S.B.; Frederick Pustet; 1946; 288pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, reinforced hinges, rare $14 sold
CHR-32.The Messiah’s Message, John Joseph Robinson; B. Herder; 1912; 380pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover $10
CHR-33.My Other Self, in which Christ Speaks to the Soul on Living HIS Life, Clarence J. Enzler; Bruce Publishing; 1957; 166pg, 8 ¾” tall; Very Good Hardcover, slight shelf wear, tanning inside covers, ribbon marker $8 Smaller Size (232pg, 6 ¾”tall), Very Good Hardcover $8
CHR-33a.The Mystery of Christ, Our Head, Priest and King, Rev. C.V. Héris, O.P., translated Rev. Denis Fahey, C.S.Sp.; Newman Press; 1950; 214pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover $15
CHR-34.The Mystery of God’s Love, Dom Georges Lefebvre, O.S.B.; Sheed & Ward; 1961; 146pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $10
CHR-36.The Person of Jesus and the Mother of Jesus, Father James, O.F.M.Cap.; M.H. Gill and Son; 1944; 126pg+159pg, 7 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12 Good Hardcover, repaired back hinge $6
CHR-37.The Person of Jesus, Father James, O.F.M.Cap.; Newman Press; 1946; 126pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $7
CHR-40.The Savior of the World, Rev. Winfrid Herbst, S.D.S.; Catholic Literary Guild; 1942; 199pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, wear to spine & corners $10 Good Hardcover, ex-library $8 Repaired Paperback $4
CHR-42.This Tremendous Lover, Father M. Eugene Boylan, O.Cist.R.; Newman Press; 1948-1954; 343pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10
CHR-43.To Know Christ Jesus, F.J. Sheed; Sheed & Ward; 1962; 377pg, 8 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, d/j $7 Good Hardcover, ex-library $5 Servant Books, Very Good Paperback $3
CHR-44.Transformation in Christ, on the Christian Attitude of Mind, Dietrich Von Hildebrand; Helicon Press; Copyright 1948, Reprint 1960; 406pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12 Sophia Institute, Very Good Hardcover, d/j $12 Very Good Image Paperback $6
CHR-45.The Way of the Blessed Christ, Rev. Vincent Kienberger, O.P.; Longmans, Green; 1942-1943; 260pg, 7 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $8 Very Good library-bound $8 Good Hardcover, ex-library, spotted boards $5
CHR-46.What Think You of Christ? William R. Bonniwell, O.P.; B. Herder; 1958; 199pg, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $5
LOC-0. Behold the Man, Ward Caille; Lumen Books; 1955; 223pg, 7 ¼” tall; Good Hardback, ex-library $6 Good Paperback $4
LOC-2.The Book of the Saviour, Prose and Verse from Many Authors with Reproductions of the Masters assembled by F.J. Sheed; Sheed & Ward; 1951-52; 420pg, Illustrated; Very Good Hardcover $7 Good Hardcover, ex-library or soiled boards $5
LOC-7.Christ’s Twelve, Sketches from “The Sign,” Rev. F.J. Mueller; 1931-1939-1940; 136pg; Good+ Hardcover, possible ex-library SALE $5 LOC-8.Christ the Leader (Life of Christ Applied to the Teaching of Religion, with Study Questions), Rev. William H. Russell; Bruce Publishing; 1937; 458pg; Good Hardcover, possible ex-library SALE $5
LOC-9.The Christ the Son of God, a Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, One Volume Edition, Abbé Constant Fouard, Translation from Fifth Edition with Author’s Sanction, Introduction by Cardinal Manning; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1944-1949-1951; 347pg; Good Hardcover, possible ex-library SALE $9
LOC-9a.Daily Life in the Time of Jesus, Henri Daniel-Rops, translated by Patrick O’Brien; Servant Books 1980 Reprint; Very Good Hardcover $7
LOC-11.The Early Friends of Christ, Thoughts on the Great Figures Surrounding the Youthful Christ and Their Application to Everyday Life, Rev. Joseph P. Conroy, S.J.; Benziger Bros.; 1923; 222pg; Good Hardcover, some scuffing & fading to boards $12 Fair Hardcover, ex-library, worn boards, repaired back hinge $7
LOC-13.The Eternal Galilean, Fulton J. Sheen; D. Appleton-Century Co.; 1936-38; 281pg; Good Hardcover, ex-library, worn boards, yellowed pages, good reading copy $5 sold Garden City Publishers, Fair Hardcover, ex-library, very worn boards $3
LOC-14.The Eternal Shepherd, Third Series (Last Six Months of Our Lord’s Life), Thomas H. Moore, S.J.; Apostleship of Prayer; 1954; 83pg; Very Good Hardcover, no d/j $8
LOC-15.For All to Live By (Practical Application of Christ’s Life to Ours), Rev. Leo C. Sterck; Bruce Publishing; 1946; 234pg; Good+ Hardcover $8 Fair Hardcover, much outside wear, good reading copy $4
LOC-21.The Human Christ, Rev. F .J. Mueller; Bruce Publishing; 1939; 190pg; Very Good Hardcover, faded boards, tight and clean $8 Good Hardcover, ex-library $5
LOC-23a.Jesus and His Times, Daniel-Rops; E.P. Dutton; Revised Catholic Edition 1956; 479pg, 8 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $6
LOC-25. Jesus in His Own Words, compiled by H. Roper, S.J.; Newman Press; 1951; 314pg; Very Good Hardcover $6 Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $4
LOC-26.Jesus of Nazareth, Most Rev. Hilarin Felder, O.F.M.Cap., translated by Berchmans Bittle, O.F.M.Cap.; Bruce Publishing; 1953; 353pg; Good Hardcover, ex-library $12 Good Hardcover, repaired inner hinge $10
LOC-27.Jesus the Divine Teacher (Study of His Methods Applicable to All Levels of Education), Rev. William H. Russell; P.J. Kenedy; 1944; 468pg; Good Hardcover $6
LOC-29.King of Sinners, Eddie Doherty; Bruce Publishing; 1963; 288pg; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $6
LOC-33.The Life of Christ, Andrés Fernández, S.J., translated Paul Barrett, O.F.M. Barrett, O.F.M.Cap.; Newman Press; 1958; 817pg Illustrated; Good+ Hardcover, possible ex-library SALE $8
LOC-34.The Life of Christ, Isidore O’Brien, O.F.M.; St. Anthony Guild Press; 1937; 540pg; Good Paperback with map and questions adapted to the Use of Discussion Clubs $4
LOC-35.The Life of Christ (Complete Edition with Footnotes), Abbott Guiseppe Ricciotti, translated by Alba Zizzamia; Bruce Publishing; 1947; 703pg; Good Hardcover, possible ex-library SALE $8
LOC-37a.The Life of Christ, Frederic W. Farrar; A. L. Burt; no date; 535pg, 7 ½” tall; Fair Hardback, ex-library $6
LOC-38.The Life of (Jesus) Christ Embracing the Entire Gospel Narrative, Embodying the Teachings and the Miracles of Our Savior, Rev. Walter Elliott; Paulist Press; 1939; 525pg; Good Hardcover, wear to spine & corners $12
LOC-40.The Life of Christ, Gutenberg Edition, Rev. John A. O’Brien; John J. Crawley & Co.; 1957; 623pp with Color Illustrations of the Masters; Good+, bound in brown & gilt, slight wear to spine $14
LOC-41.Life of Christ “I Am the Way,” a Meditation Book, Rev. George J. Haye; 1954; 220pg; Fair Paperback, repaired spine & hinges, some underlining $8
LOC-41a.The Life of Christ in Pantomime and Dramatization, published under the auspices of The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; St. Anthony Guild Press; 1936; 44pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Booklet $5
LOC-45.The Life of Jesus (with an Outline for Study Clubs), Rev. James F. Cunningham, C.S.P.; Our Sunday Visitor Press; 1950; 183pg Illustrated; Very Good trade-size Paperback $6 Good trade-size Paperback, darkened pages $4
LOC-45a.The Life of Our Life, Introduction, Harmony and Notes, Volume 1, Henry J. Coleridge, S.J; Burns and Oates; 1890; 345pg; 7 ½” tall; Fair Hardback, ex-library $10
LOC-49.The Man-God, a Life of Jesus (with Study Topics), Patrick J. Carroll, C.S.C.; Scott-Foresman; 1927; 345pg; Good Hardcover, ex-library, worn spine & corners $5
LOC-52.Only Son, Walter Farrell, O.P.; Sheed & Ward; 1953; 244pg; Good Hardcover, ex-library $5
LOC-53.Our Divine Model, the Gospel Life of Christ (for Study), Rev. Peter A. Resch, S.M., translated & adapted from the French by Canon L. Cristiani; Bruce Publishing; 1940; 308pg Illustrated; Good Hardcover, rare $24
LOC-54.Out of Nazareth, Scenes from the Gospels, Neil Kevin; David McKay; 1952; 189pg; Good Hardcover, ex-library $3
LOC-57.Records of the Life of Jesus (Book I: Record of Mt-Mk-Lk, Book II: Record of John), Henry Burton Sharman; Harper & Brothers; 1917; 239pg; Very Good Hardcover, faded boards, shelf worn $10
LOC-58.The Saviour’s Life in the Words of the Four Gospels, Compiled by Rev. Gilbert Simmons, C.S.P.; Paulist Press; 1913; 317pp, 6 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover $10 sold 1939 Edition with Divisions and Discussion Club Outlines by Rev. Gerald C. Treacy, S.J; Good Paperback $5
LOC-60a.They Knew Christ, Rev. F. J. Mueller; Bruce Publishing; 1946; 210pg, 8” tall, Very Good Hardcover ex-library $5
LOC-64.Who Is Then This Man? Melanie Marnas, translated from French by Henry Longan Stuart; E.P. Dutton & Co.; 1928; 363pg; Fair Hardcover, faded boards $8
LOC-65.Witnesses of the Gospel, Henry Panneel, translated by Paul A. Barrett, O.P.; B. Herder; 1960; 192pg; Very Good Hardcover $6
LOC-68.The Words of Our Lord, The story of Christ’s Life with special emphasis on the words He spoke, Jex Martin; Catholic Press; 1953-1957; 304pg Illustrated, 6 ¼”tall; Very Good black leather, nice gift $10
LOC-69.The Christ the Son of God, a Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Abbé Constant Fouard, translated from the Fifth Edition, Introduction by Cardinal Manning; Longmans, Green & Co.; Twentieth Issue 1919-1921; 2 volumes; Good Hardcover, wear to spine & corners $30 set sold Volume II only; 1891 Fair Hardcover, ex-library $8 Volume II only; 1902 Good Hardcover $10 Volume II only; 1921 Fair Hardcover, ex-library $8
LOC-70.Jesus Christ, His Life, His Teaching and His Work (Science & Culture Series), Ferdinand Prat, S.J., translated from the 16th French Edition by John J. Heenan, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1950; 2 volumes; Good Hardcover SALE $18 set
LOC-71.Jesus Christ, His Person– His Message–His Credentials, Léonce de Grandmaison, S.J., translation Dom Basil Whelan, O.S.B.; Sheed & Ward; 1937; 3 volumes; Very Good Hardcover, slight pencil underlining $27 sold Volume I only, Fair Hardcover $7 1961 Abridgement in One Volume, Preface Jean Daniélou, S.J.; Very Good Hardcover $7
LOC-72.Jesus Christ, Our Savior’s Person, Mission and Spirit, from the French of Rev. Father Didon, O.P., edited by Rt. Rev. Bernard O’Reilly, Introduction by James Cardinal Gibbons; 1891; 2 volumes, 9 ½”tall, Illustrations & Maps; Fair Hardcover, ex-library, water damage to front board $30
LOC-73.The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ Our Lord, Rev. Jules Lebreton, S.J.; Burns, Oates & Washbourne/Bruce Publishing; 1935/1948; 2 volumes; Good Hardcover, ex-library unmatched set $22 sold 1957 Two Volumes in One Edition, Good Hardcover $10
LOC-74.The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Alfred Edersheim; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing; 1936, no Imprimatur; 2 volumes; Good Hardcover, shelf worn $18 sold Volume II only, Good Hardcover $6
LOC-75.The Life of Christ, Msgr. É. Le Camus, translated by Rt. Rev. William A. Hickey; Catechetical Guild; 1945; 3 volumes; Good Hardcover, ex-library, some shelf wear, tight binding, clean pages $30 sold 1923 Cathedral Library Association, Volumes II and III only, Very Good Hardcover $10 each
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