SL-156.Alter Christus, Meditations for Priests, F.X. L’Hoir, S.J.; Newman Press; 1951; 215pg, 7”tall; Very Good Hardcover, possible ex-library $10 1958 Good Paperback $5
SL-157a.Christ and the Priest, Illustrated Meditations for Priests, Rev. John S. Middleton, foreword by Rt. Rev. Msgr. John P. Chidwick; Benziger Brothers; 1928; 187pg, 7 ¼”tall; Good burgundy imitation leather, possible ex-library or repair $10 SL-167.God the Father, Meditations, Emile Guerry, Bishop of Achrida, translated A.C.H. Downes; Sheed and Ward; 1947; 154pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, no d/j $6
SL-169.Growth in the Knowledge of Our Lord, Meditations for Every Day with Appendix of Additional Subjects for each Festival, Day of Retreat, etc , adapted from the French of Abbe de Brandt by Mother Mary Fidelis; Clonmore & Reynolds; Reprinted 1955; 3 volumes, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, slight use, complete set $75 sold Seraphic Press 1951 Edition, 8 ¼”tall, Good Hardcover Volume III only $15
SL-170a.How to Meditate, translated from the Latin of Rev, John Roothaan, S.J. by Rev. Louis J. Puhl, S.J.; Grail Publications; Fourth Printing 1957; 72pg, 6”tall; Good Booklet, ex-library $6
SL-172.In the Whole Christ, Prayerful Meditations on the Mystery of the Church, Most Rev. Emile Guerry, Archbishop of Cambrai, translated from French by M.G. Carroll; St. Paul Publications; 1957; 331pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10 sold Alba House Fourth to Eighth Printing, Good hardcover, ex-library $5
SL-172a.Jesus Christus, Meditations, Romano Guardini; Regnery; 1959; 111pg, 8 ½” tall; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $6
SL-176a. The Life That Is Light, the Purgative Way, the Illuminative Way, the Unitive Way, a Series of Brief Meditations, Very Rev. Alban Goodier; Burns Oates & Washbourne; 1935; 3 volumes, 7 ½”tall ; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $28 set sold Volume III only, Very Good Hardcover $10
SL-177.Let Us Pray, Series I-IV (Anima Christi, Our Father-Hail Mary, Litany of Our Lady, Creed-Confiteor), Francis P. LeBuffe, S.J.; America Press; 1930; 4 small volumes, 5 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, slight outer wear $18 set sold Series III only Litany of Our Lady, Very Good Hardcover $6
SL-180.The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God in Meditations (Volume I with a Map of Palestine at the Time of Christ and a Plan of the Journeys of Jesus; Volume II with a Map of Jerusalemat the Time of Its Destruction and a Sketch of the Temple) Maurice Meschler, S.J., translated by Sister Mary Margaret, O.S.B.; B. Herder; 1928; 2 volumes, 8”tall; Very Good Hardcover unmatched set, Volume I rebound in black, Volume II faded red binding, slightly scuffed $24 set sold Volume II only, red binding $10
SL-183.The Light of the World, Liturgical Meditations, Rt. Rev. Benedict Bauer, O.S.B., translated by Rev. Edward Malone, O.S.B.; B. Herder; 1953; 2 volumes complete, 9 ½”tall; Good green Hardcover, no d/j $30 set sold Volume I only, Very Good Hardcover $10
SL-185a.Mater Christi, Meditations on Our Lady, Mother St. Paul, Preface Rev. Joseph Rickaby, S.J.; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1960; 127pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12
SL-187.Knight of Christ, Ignatian Meditations, Series II, J.E. Moffatt, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1940; 221pg, 6 ¾”tall; Very Good dark red imitation leather, faded gilt lettering on spine & cover $8 Good red imitation leather, ex-library or inner hinge repair $6
SL-190b.Meditations Before Mass, Romano Guardini; Sophia Institute Press; 1955; 204pg, 9 ½” tall; Very Good Hardcover $4 Newman Press; 1956; 203pg, 8 ¼” tall; Good+ Hardcover $4
SL-195.Meditations for Everyman (for Each Day of the Liturgical Year), Joseph McSorley of the Paulist Fathers; 1948-49; 2 volumes, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, worn or missing d/j $10 sold Volume I only, Advent to Pentecost, Good Hardcover $5
SL-199.Meditations on Christian Dogma (Devotional Summary of Catholic Theology), Rt. Rev. James Bellord, Introductory Letter Cardinal Vaughan; Newman Press; Imprimatur 1898, Third Edition 1948; 2 volumes, 7 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, no d/j, faded boards, no separations $40 set 1961 Printing, Good+ Hardcover, ex-library, taped d/j $22 set 1961 Printing, Fair Hardcover, ex-library, shelf wear, some notes $18 set
SL-202.Meditations on the Gospels, Three Volumes in One, Rt. Rev. Ottokar Prohaszka, Bishop of Székesfehérvár, translated from Hungarian by M. de Pál, Foreword C.C. Martindale, S.J.; Newman Press; 1951-1958; 229+322+282pp, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, some outside wear, missing or torn d/j $12 1937 Volume I only, Sheed & Ward, Good Hardcover, ex-library $7
SL-203a.Meditations on the Life and Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, attributed to John Tauler, Dominican Friar, translated from Latin by S.P.J. Cruikshank, Preface Rev. Fr. Bertrand Wilberforce, O.P.; Benziger Brothers; 1925; 345pp, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover $32
SL-204.Meditations on the Life of Our Lord for Every Day of the Year, J. Nouet, S.J.; Newman Press; 1956; 450pp, 7 ½”tall; Fair Hardcover, repaired spine & boards $5
SL-208.Meditations on the Mysteries of Our Holy Faith together with a Treatise on Mental Prayer based on the Work of the Venerable Louis de Ponte, Rev. C.W. Barraud, S.J.; Benziger; 1916; 2 volumes, 8” tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, some scuffing $65 sold Volume I only, Fair Hardcover, repaired hinges and spine $28
SL-209b.Meditations on the Old Testament, The Psalms, Gaston Brillet, C.Or., translated Jane Wynne Saul, R.S.C.J.; Desclee; 1960; 243pp, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $15 sold
SL-211b.Meditations on Various Subjects, St. John Eudes, Introduction Rev. Charles Lebrun, Foreword Most Rev. P.A. Bray; P.J. Kenedy; 1947; 349pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good repaired Hardcover, ex-library $14
SL-214.Minute Meditations, Series I-VII (Thoughts on God’s Mother and Ours, The Heart of Jesus, The Holy Eucharist, Our Friend Divine, His Words and Ways, The Gentle Master, His Life and Lessons), J.E. Moffatt, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1932-48; 7 volumes, each 5 ½”tall; Very Good pocket size Hardcover, some ex-library, rare set $60 sold Volumes I, II, III, IV, V, VII Good Hardcover $7 each
SL-215.Minute Meditations, J.E. Moffatt, S.J.; 1958; 146pg, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, chipped d/j $10 Good Hardcover, ex-library, inner hinge repair $7
SL-219.My Changeless Friend, First to Fifteenth Series, Francis LeBuffe, S.J.; Apostleship of Prayer; 1915-1935, 15 small volumes, 5 ¼ to 5 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, some ex-library, edge wear $60 set sold Individual volumes: First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth; Fair to Good Hardcover, possible repair $4 each
SL-220.My Life with Christ, Anthony J. Paone, S.J.; 1962; 310pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $7 Very Good Image Paperback $4
SL-221.My Meditation on the Gospel, Rev. James E. Sullivan; Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 1962; 627pg Illustrated, 5 ½”tall; Very Good brown imitation leather $4 Very Good brown Softcover $2
SL-222.My Meditations on Saint Paul, Rev. James E. Sullivan; Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 1967; 567pp, 5 ¼”tall; Very Good Softcover $2
SL-223.My Monthly Recollection Day, a Compilation from the Spiritual Treasury of Very Rev. William Gier, S.V.D., edited by Rev. Bruno Hagspiel, S.V.D.; Bruce Publishing; 1953; 177pp, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $5 Good Hardcover, ex-library $3
SL-225b.Our Way to the Father, a Year’s Course of Meditations for Religious (Volume I First Sunday of Advent to First Sunday of Lent; Volume II First Week of Lent to Feast of the Ascension; Volume III Pre-Pentecost Novena to Thirteenth Week after Pentecost; Volume IV Fourteenth Week after Pentecost to Last Week after Pentecost), Rev. Leo Krenz, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1952; 4 volumes; Good+ Hardcover $56 set
SL-227.(New) Practical Meditations for Every Day in the Year on the Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Chiefly Intended for the Use of Religious Communities, Rev. Father Bruno Vercruysse, S.J.; Benziger Brothers; 1875; 2 volumes, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, reinforced or repaired inner hinges $60 complete
SL-234a.Short Meditations for Every Day in the Year, Intended Chiefly for the Use of Religious, Volume II, by an Anonymous Italian author, Translated by Dom Edmund J. Luck, O.S.B., Recommended by Cardinal Manning; Fr. Pustet; 1879; 366pg, 6 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, wear to spine and corners $10
SL-234b.Sitio, Meditations for Priests, Rev. Giuseppe Tomaselli, translated by Rev. Thomas J. Donnelly, edited by Very Rev. Raphael Huber; Hamilton Printing; 1959; 126pg, 6”tall; Good+ Paperback $7
Sl-241.Watch and Pray, Readings and Meditations for Religious for the Monthly Day of Recollection, J.E. Moffatt, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1942; 112pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ black cloth-covered flexible boards, faded gilt title $10
SL-242.The Word of God, a Series of Short Meditations on the Sunday Gospels published in Rome by “The Society of St. Jerome for the Diffusion of the Gospel”, Msgr. Francis Borgongini-Duca, translation Rev. Francis J. Spellman, introduction Most. Rev. John Bonzano; MacMillan; 1922; 211pg, 7”tall; Very Good library-bound, ex-library $8
SL-243.The Word of God, Short Meditations on the Sunday Gospels, Most Rev. Francis Borgongini-Duca, translated by Most Rev. Francis J. Spellman; MacMillan; 1939; 211pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8 1957 Edition with Color Illustrations, Very Good Hardcover $6 1957 Edition with Color Illustrations, Good Hardcover, ex-library, no d/j $4