Bible Stories, Poetry


BSY-5.The Catholic Bible in Pictures, edited by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Dante Del Fiorentino; Greystone Press; 1955; 320pg Illustrated, 9 ½”tall; Good Hardcover $8

BSY-6.Catholic Bible Stories, Sister Mary Theola, S.S.N.D.; Regina Press; 1960; 318pg Illustrated, 9 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10                                                                        Good Hardcover, repair to top of front board $8

BSY-12.Illustrated Children’s Bible, Popular Stories from the Old and New Testaments, Rev. Jude Winkler, O.F.M.Conv.; Catholic Book Publishing; 1991; 172pg Illustrated, 10 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $5

BSY-14.My Bible History, New Testament, Most Rev. Louis Laravoire Morrow; My Mission House; 1960; 119pg Illustrated, 7 by 8 ¼”; Good Hardcover, outside wear $8

BSY-15.My Bible History, Old Testament, Most Rev. Louis Laravoire Morrow; My Mission House; 1960; 120pg Illustrated, 7 by 8 ¼”; Good Hardcover, outside wear $8

BSY-21.With the Bible Through the Church Year, Around the Year from Genesis to Apocalypse with Psalms and Texts on the Liturgy, Bible Stories retold by Richard Beron, O.S.B., Prefaces on the Liturgy by Mary Perkins, Illustrations by Brothers of the Benedictine Order; Pantheon Books; 1953; 243pg Illustrated, 8 by 11”; Good Hardcover, ex-library $12

POETRY FOR YOUTH                                                                                                          (not strictly Catholic unless noted)

PFY-1.A Brighter Garden, Poetry by Emily Dickinson, Paintings by Tasha Tudor, Collected by Karen Ackerman; Philomel Books; 1990; 63pg Illustrated; Good+ Hardcover, d/j, ex-library $5

PFY-4.Our Holidays in Poetry, compiled by Mildred P. Harrington, Josephine H. Thomas; H.W. Wilson Company; 1935; 480pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library

PFY-5.Poems for Red Letter Days, compiled by Elizabeth Hough Sechrist; Macrae Smith Company; 1951; 349pg, 9”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $5 sold

PFY-7.Song of the Sun, from the Canticle of the Sun by St. Francis of Assisi; Macmillan Company; 1952; 30pg Illustrated by Elizabeth Orton Jones, 8 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, possible repaired spine, scarce $8 sold