+The Holy Ghost+

 bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com or 715-539-3637

HG-2. Come, Holy Ghost, Thoughts on Renewing the Earth as the Kingdom of God, Bishop Francis Xavier Ford, M.M.; McMullen Books; 1953; 113pp; Good Hardcover, ex-library $10 sold                                                                                                                                 1976 Orbis revised Hardcover, d/j, Very Good $6

HG-3. Come Holy Spirit, Meditations for Apostles, Leonce de Grandmaison, S.J.; Fides Publishers; 1956; 117pp; Hardcover, ex-library, Fair to Good $5

HG-5. Discourses on the Holy Ghost, Devotional Readings for Priests, Religious and Laity, Compiled and Edited by Rev. Lester M. Dooley, S.V.D.; Joseph F. Wagner, Inc.; 1942; 248pg; Hardcover, slightly soiled cover, no d/j, Good $15                                           1945 Edition, Hardcover, Very Good, no d/j $15

HG-6. Further Discourses on the Holy Ghost, Compiled by Rev. Lester M. Dooley, S.V.D.; Frederick Pustet Co.; 1945; 212pg; Good Hardcover, ex- library $16

HG-10. The Holy Spirit and the Art of Living, J. A. O’Driscoll, S.M.; B. Herder Book Co.; 1959; 127pg; Hardcover, ex-library, spine & corner wear, Good Hardcover $7

HG-13. Life with the Holy Ghost, Thoughts on the Gifts of the Holy Ghost, Rev. Hugh Francis Blunt; Bruce Publishing; 1943; 130pg; Fair Hardcover, ex-library, outside markings or soiled boards $5

HG-14. Live in the Holy Spirit (Retreat Conferences for Religious Sisters), Rev. Bruno Hagspiel; Bruce Publishing; 1957; 171pg; Hardcover, Very Good $6

HG-22. The Splendor of Pentecost, Dom E. Flicoteaux, O.S.B., translated from French by Mary Louise Helmer; Helicon Press; 1961; 112pg; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library, stamps & pocket $12

HG-19.The Seven Gifts, Bernard J. Kelly, C.S.Sp.; Sheed & Ward; 1942; 136pg; Fair red Hardcover, ex-library, frayed head & tail of spine $8  sold

HG-26. We and the Holy Spirit, Talks to Laymen, The Spiritual Writings of Leonce de Grandmaison, S.J., translated by Angeline Bouchard, Third Order of Mary; Fides Publishers; 1953; 223pp; Hardcover, Very Good $8                                                                 Trade size paperback, Fair $5

bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com or 715-539-3637