bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com to request
LE-1.The Cleansing of the Temple, Dom Theodore Wesseling, O.S.B.; Longmans, Green; 1945; 96pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $7
LE-3.The Ferial Gospels of Lent, Popularly Explained and Adapted to American Life (Catholic Action Library #1), Rev. Hercules H. Domincis, translated Rev. Clarence Tschippert; Vatican City Religious Book Co.; 1943; 240pg; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $14
LE-12.Lenten and Easter Inspirations, a Collection of Articles and Art, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen; 1967; 8 ½”by 11” Illustrated; Very Good Paperback, slight wear to spine & corners $12
LE-13.Lenten Meditations, Rev. David L. Greenstock; Bruce Publishing; 1960; 155pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8 Good Hardcover, ex-library $5 Burns & Oats 1957, Good Paperback, repaired spine $3
LE-15.Lent, Its Meaning and Purpose, compiled and edited from The Liturgical Year of Dom Gueranger by John J. Burke, C.S.P.; Paulist Press; 1940’s; 48pg, 7”tall; Good booklet $6
LE-16.The Meaning of Easter, A.M. Avril, O.P.; Aquin Press; 1961; 92pg, 7 ¼”tall; Good+ Paperback $10
LE-17.The Risen Christ, Caryll Houselander; Sheed & Ward; 1957; 111pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, soiled or marked boards, solid binding $5
LE-21.Why the Cross? Edward Leen, C.S.Sp.; Sheed & Ward; 1938; 366pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $8
LE-22.Campaigning with Christ’s Church, a Course of Sermons for Lent with a Sermon for Easter, William I. Lonergan, S.J.; Joseph F. Wagner Inc.; 1927; 144pg; Very Good Hardcover $12 Good Hardcover, ex-library $8
LE-23.The Chief Evils of the times, a Lenten Course of Seven Sermons, Rev. H. Nagelschmitt; 1916; 68pg, 8”tall; Very Good Paperback $6
LE-25.Figures in the Drama of Salvation, Twelve Sermons, Rev. John McClorey, S.J.; B. Herder; 1933; 192pg; Very Good Hardcover $10
LE-26.Frequent Communion, Course of Six Lenten Sermons, Rev. Adolf Chwala, O.M.I.; Joseph F. Wagner Inc.; 1915; 66pg, 8”tall; Good Paperback $5
LE-27.From the Pulpit of the Cross, Lenten Sermons, Rev. G.H. Guyot, C.M.; 1943; 68pg, 8”tall; Very Good Paperback, age discoloration $6
LE-38.Lent and His Last Words, Sermons, Father Arthur Tonne; Didde Printing; 1952; 68pg, 9”tall; Good spiral-bound Paperback $5
LE-39.Lent and the Capital Sins, Sermons, Father Arthur Tonne; Didde Printing; 1952; 68pg, 9”tall; Good spiral bound Paperback $5
LE-42.Lent and the Our Father, Father Arthur Tonne; Didde Printing; 1953; 68pg, 9”tall; Good+ spiral-bound Paperback $5
LE-42a.Lent and the Seven Virtues, Father Arthur Tonne; Didde Printing; 1956; 70pg, 9”tall; Good spiral-bound Paperback $5
LE-47.The Lord’s Prayer and Not By Bread Alone, Lenten Sermons, Pamphlets Bound in One Volume, Rt. Rev. Msgr. H.T. Henry, Rev. J. Elliott Ross; Joseph F. Wagner; 1935-40; 170pg; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $10
LE-48.Man and His Immortal Soul, Seven Lenten Sermons, a Priest of the Diocese of Nottingham; Joseph F. Wagner; 1905; 58pg, 8”tall; Good Paperback $5
LE-49.The Necessity of Religion, Lenten Course of Six Sermons, Rt. Rev. Mgr. Paul Stiegele; Joseph F. Wagner; 1908; 57pg, 8”tall; Very Good Paperback $5 Good Paperback, spine repair, some notes $2
LE-50a.Not By Bread Alone, a Lenten Series of Seven Sermons, Rev. J. Elliot Ross; Joseph F. Wagner; 1940; 74pg, 8”tall; Good Paperback $5
LE-53.The Risen Christ, Sermons on the Resurrection and on the Blessed Mother, Most Rev. Tihamer Toth; B. Herder; 1940-44-55; 213pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $5
LE-54.Sermons for Lent, Rev. John F. Burns; Bruce Publishing; 1935-1944; 128pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $4
LE-55.The Seven Last Words, Discourses for the Devotion of the Three Hour’s Agony, Rev. John F. Burns; Bruce Publishing; 1934; 64pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
LE-56.The Seven Last Words from the Cross, Course of Lenten Sermons, Rev. H. G. Hughes; Joseph F. Wagner; 1913; 47pg, 8”tall; Good Paperback $6
LE-57.The Signs of the Times, Lenten Sermons, Rev. H. Nagelschmitt; Joseph F. Wagner; 1916; 69pg, 8”tall; Very Good Paperback $6
LE-58.Society, Sin and the Saviour, Addresses on the Passion of Our Lord, Fr. Bernard Vaughan, S.J.; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner Co.; 1908; 280pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, some edge wear, darkened page edges $12
LE-59.Treasures in Heaven, Lenten Series of Seven Sermons, Rev. J. Elliot Ross, C.S.P.; Joseph F. Wagner; 1943; 75pg, 8”tall; Good Paperback $5
LE-60.The Weakness of God (Seven Lenten Sermons), Luke O’Donnell, O.S.B.; Bruce Publishing; 1949; 119pg, 8”tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $8 Good Hardcover $4
LE-61.With Christ through Lent, Father Arthur Tonne; Didde Printing; 1950; 75pg, 9”tall; Good spiral-bound Paperback $5
LE-62.The Worship of God, Lenten Sermons, Very Rev. John F. Teefy; 1902; 42pg, 8”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
E-MAIL bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com
LE-65.Approach to Calvary, Hubert Van Zeller, O.S.B.; 1961; 128pp, 7 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover $6
LE-74.The Cross and the Shroud, a Medical Examiner Investigates the Crucifixion, Frederick T. Zugibe; Exposition Press; 1982 First Edition; 219pp, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, no d/j $18
LE-76.The Day Christ Died, Jim Bishop; Harper Brothers; 1957; 336pp, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, Regular Edition $6 Book Club Edition, Good+ Hardcover $3
LE-77.A Doctor at Calvary, the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon, Pierre Barbet, M.D., translated by the Earl of Wicklow; P.J. Kenedy & Sons; 1953; 179pp Illustrated, 8”tall; Very Good Hardcover $7
LE-78.The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Preface by the Abbé de Cazalés; Benziger Brothers;1914; 352pg, 7 ½”tall; Fair Hardcover, repaired hinges $5 sold 1983 Tan Books, Very Good Paperback $5
LE-79.The Foot of the Cross or the Sorrows of Mary, Frederick William Faber; Burns, Oates & Washbourne;1925; 432pg, 7 ½”tall; Repaired to Good red Hardcover $5
LE-80.The Foot of the Cross or the Sorrows of Mary, Frederick William Faber; Peter Reilly Co.; 1956; 406pg, 9 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, worn boards $5
LE-83.His Passion Forever, Daniel A. Lord, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1950; 135pp, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10 Good+ Paperback $5
LE-84.The History of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Explained and Applied to the Christian Life, James Groenings, S.J.; B. Herder; 1908; 461pg, 7 ¾”tall; Fair Hardcover, ex-library, shelf wear, repaired inner hinges $16 sold Marian Publications 1975 Very Good Large Paperback $12
LE-85.The History of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Explained and Applied to the Christian Life renamed The Passion of Jesus and Its Hidden Meaning, James Groenings, S.J.; Tan Books; 1987; 461pg, 7”tall; Very Good Paperback $6
LE-86.The Hours of the Passion, Jude Mead, C.P.; Bruce Publishing; 1955; 145pg Illustrated with wood engravings by Bruno Bramanti, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $6
LE-89.The Last Hours of Jesus, Ralph Gorman, C.P.; Sheed & Ward; 1959; 277pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $4 Good Hardcover $2
LE-90.The Life of the Good Thief, Msgr. Gaume; Loreto Publications; 1882 Imprimatur, 2003 Reprint; 208pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $7
LE-94.Meditations for Seminarists on the Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord, compiled by F.P.H.; 1942; St. Mary’s Seminary; 245pg, 6 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover $12
LE-96.The Mystery of Calvary, (Meditations by the Cross), Gerard Rooney, C.P.; Macmillan Co.; 1959; 131pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, Good d/j $5 Good Hardcover, ex-library, wear to spine & corners, solid binding $3
LE-97.Night Prayers on Calvary, the Seven Last Words, Wilfrid J. Diamond; Bruce; 1957; 47pg, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Paperback $6
LE-99.The Pain of Christ and the Sorrow of God (Lenten Sermons & Aquinas Paper), Gerald Vann, O.P.; Templegate; 1947; 79pg, 7 ¼”; Good Hardcover, ex-library $6 Good Paperback $3
LE-102.The Passion and Glory of Christ, a Commentary on the Events from the Last Supper to the Ascension, Mgr. F.X. Poelzl, translated A.M. Buchanan, revised & edited by Rev. C.C. Martindale, WS.J.; Joseph F. Wagner; 1919; 371pg, 9 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover $18
LE-103.The Passion of Our Lord, Gaetano Cardinal De Lai, translated by William Cardinal O’Connell; Pilot Publishing; 1923; 298pg, 8 ¼”tall; Fair Hardcover, water-damaged front board, soiled back board, loose front end page, repaired front hinge, rare $8 LE-105.Power and Wisdom of the Cross, Very Rev. Michael J. Miller, O.S.M.; Servite Press; 1942; 126pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, missing front end page $14
LE-106.Reflections on the Passion, Rev. Charles Hugo Doyle; Bruce Publishing; 1956; 93pp, 7”tall; Very Good Hardcover, repaired d/j $7 Good Hardcover, ex-library $5
LE-107.The Sacred Passion, Meditations from Venerable Fray Luis de Granada, O.P., Cross & Crown Reprint; 1964; 116pp, 8”tall; Good+ Paperback, slight foxing on back $12
LE-109.The School of Jesus Crucified (intended chiefly for the use of the members of the Confraternity of the Cross and Passion of Our Lord), Father Ignatius of the Side of Jesus, Passionist; P.J. Kenedy & Sons; 1895; 334pp, 6 ¼”tall; Good repaired Hardcover, stamp on spine, cross on front board, rare original $32 sold Tan Reprint 2002; 393pp, 7”tall; As New Paperback $8
LE-111.The Seven Last Words, Fulton J. Sheen; Century Co.; 1933-42; 63pp, 7 ½”tall; Fair Hardcover, ex-library, repaired boards $5
LE-113.The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M.Cap.; Tan Books; 1957 Imprimatur, 2002 Printing; 84pp, 7”tall; Good Paperback, reattached title page $2
LE-115.The Seven Words of Jesus from the Cross, J.E.C.; Permission of Ordinary; 142pp, 6”tall; Fair Hardcover, warped boards, clean pages $4
LE-115a.Seven Words to the Cross (Challenges to the Cross by Humanists, Sinners, etc.), Rt. Rev. Fulton J. Sheen; P.J. Kenedy & Sons; 1944; 128pp, 6 ½”tall; Good Hardcover $12
LE-117a.The Sufferings of Jesus, Catherine Emmerich, translated by a Sister of Mercy; P. O’Shea; 1867; 187pg, 6 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, some foxing $22
LE-119.The Temptations of Christ, Gerald Vann, O.P. and P.K. Meagher, O.P.; Sheed and Ward; 1957; 127pp, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, repaired d/j $7 Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $5
LE-120.The Three Hours’ Agony of Our Lord Jesus Christ Given at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, New York, Good Friday 1916, Rev. Peter Guilday; Longmans, Green & Co.; 1930; 71pp, 7”tall; Very Good Hardcover, slight outside wear $10
LE-121.The Tragedy of Calvary, Monsignor Henry Bolo; Paulist Press; 23pp, 7 ¼”tall; Good original pamphlet, soiled covers $4 Fair pamphlet, ex-library $2
LE-125.Unto the End (Christ’s Discourse at the Last Supper), William J. McGarry, S.J.; America Press; 1941; 328pp, 9 ¼”tall; Fair Hardcover, repaired inner hinges, inscription, notes on back paste-down $5
E-MAIL bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com
LE-130.By Thy Holy Cross, Considerations on the Stations of the Cross, Paul J. Elsner, S.M.; Bruce Publishing; 1949; 69pp, 7 ¼”tall; Very Good pamphlet, fading & tanning to covers $5
LE-133.The Holy Face in the Way of the Cross, etchings by Hippolyte Lazerges, meditations by Father Page, C.S.C.; St. Columban’s Foreign Missionary Society; 1953; 32pp Illustrated, 6”tall; Good+ booklet, slight corner wear $10
LE-134.Journey of Love, the Way of the Cross through the Eyes of a Mother, Helen Louise Hartmann and Janice Brickey; St. Anthony Guild Press; 1960; 99pp, illustrations from the booklet “Ste. Anne de Beaupre: Its Shrine, Its Spirit,” 6 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $22
LE-135.Lent and the Way of the Cross, Sermons, Father Arthur Tonne; Didde Printing; 1957; 9”tall; Good spiral-bound Paperback $5
LE-137.Meditations on the Fourteen Stations with a Sketch of Their Origin, Joseph McSorley of the Paulist Fathers; 1924; 20pp, 6”tall; Very Good booklet $2
LE-138.New Large Type Stations of the Cross by St. Alphonsus Liguori, Rev. Daniel A. Lord, S.J.; 1943; 16pp Illustrated, 6”tall; Good booklet, reinforced covers $2
LE-145.The Way of the Cross according to Saint Francis of Assisi, White Cross Series, arranged for congregational praying and singing; J.S. Paluch; 1937; 48pp Illustrated, 6”tall; Very Good booklet $3 Very Good booklet, name on cover $2
LE-154a.Holy Week, the Complete Offices of Holy Week in Latin and English, a New Explanatory Edition, Rt. Rev. Abbot Cabrol. O.S.B.; John W. Winterich Inc.; Imprimatur 1927; 363pp, 7”tall; Very Good Hardcover reprint $24
LE-156.Holy Week Manual for Priests (in accordance with revised Ordo of Holy Week), Rev. Walter J. Schmitz; Bruce Publishing; 1956-57; 227pp with Charts, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $13 Good Hardcover, no d/j $1
LE-157.Holy Week Manual for Priests (in accordance with revised Ordo of Holy Week) with Sermon Instructions, Rev. Walter J. Schmitz; Bruce Publishing; 1957; 266pp with Charts, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $13
LE-158.Holy Week Manual for Priests (in accordance with revised Ordo of Holy Week) and Sermon Instructions for Holy Week, Rev. Walter J. Schmitz; Bruce Publishing; 1956; 2 volumes, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback set $10
LE-159.Holy Week Masses, Complete English Text of All the Masses and Ceremonies of Holy Week for Congregational Use; J.S. Paluch-Handcaraft Press-Paulist Press; 1956-57; Good+ Paperback $5
LE-160.The Masses of Holy Week and the Easter Vigil Arranged for Use in Parishes (Restored Holy Week), Godfrey L. Diekmann, O.S.B.; Liturgical Press; 1956; 191pp Illustrated, 7 “tall; Very Good pamphlet with imitation leather covers $7 sold Very Good pamphlet with cardboard covers $5
LE-163.My Holy Week Missal, Restored Order of Holy Week Services for the Use of the Laity, New Supplement to My Lenten Missal, Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 1956; 147pp, 5 ¼”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
LE-165.My Lenten Missal (Daily Mass, Spiritual Reading, Textbook, Three Hours Agony Service), explained by Fr. Stedman; Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 1941; 480pp, 5 ¼”tall; Very Good Paperback $7 Good Paperback $5 Mon Missel du Careme (explanations in French), Good Paperback $5
LE-168.Order for the Restored Vigil of Easter in Latin and English; Newman Press; 1953; 45pp; Good+ booklet $4
LE-168a.O Truly Blessed Night, A Study of the Theology of the Easter Vigil, Karl Becker, Translated from the German by Mrs. R. M. Bethell; Pio Decimo Press; 1956; 119pp, 9”tall; Good Paperback, rare $24
LE-169.Passiontide and Holy Week from The Liturgical Year, Abbot Guéranger, translated Dom Laurence Shepherd, O.S.B.; Stanbrook Abbey; 1911; 644pp, 7 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, reinforced front hinge $18 Fair Hardcover, repaired hinges & spine $14
LE-171.Saint Joseph Holy Week Missal, Complete English Text of All Masses and Ceremonies of the New Holy Week Liturgy from Palm Sunday to the Easter Vigil Service for Congregational Use; Catholic Book Publishing; 1956-57; 128pp, 6 ¼”tall; Good Paperback $5 1961-62 Edition, Very Good Paperback $6
LE-172.Simple Rite of the Restored Order of Holy Week from Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae Instauratus, translated and edited by Gerald Ellard, S.J. and F.P. Prucha, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1957; 95pp, 6 ¾”tall; Very Good paperback $8
LE-174.Three Hours’ Devotion Especially for Good Friday; Our Sunday Visitor Press; 1933; 63pp, 6 ½”tall; Good Paperback $4
LE-175.The Three Hours Devotion in Memory of Our Divine Lord on the Cross; Gesu Church; 1944; 32pp, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $4
LE-178.The Holy Shroud of Turin, Rev. Edward Wuenschel, C.S.S.R.; Holy Shroud Guild; Revised Edition 1956; 64pg Illustrated, 7 ¾”tall; Good Pamphlet $2
LE-180.The Mysterious Shroud, Ian Wilson; Doubleday Image; 1988; 188pp, photos by Vernon Miller, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $4
LE-181a.Relics (The Shroud of Turin, the True Cross, Blood of Januarius…History, Mysticism and the Catholic Church), Joan Carroll Cruz; Our Sunday Visitor Press; 1983; 308pg Illustrated, 9”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
LE-182.Report on the Shroud of Turin, John H. Heller; Houghton Miflin Co.; 1983; 225pg Illustrated, 9 ¼”tall; Large Paperback, water damage on corner of photo inserts $2
LE-186.Shroud, Robert K. Wilcox; Macmillan; 1977; 180pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $4
LE-187.The Shroud, John Walsh; W.H. Allen, London; 1963; 152pp Illustrated, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $5
LE-188.The Shroud, John Walsh; Random House, New York; 1964; 202pg Illustrated, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $5 Echo mass-market paperback Very Good $3
LE-189.The Shroud, a Guide to the Reading of an Image Full of Mystery, Lamberto Schiatti; 1998; 35pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Pamphlet $3
LE-190.The Shroud of Turin, Werner Bulst, S.J., translated Stephen McKenna, C.S.s.R. and James J. Galvin, C.S.s.R.; Bruce Publishing; 1956; 167pg+photos, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10
LE-191.The Shroud of Turin, the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ? Ian Wilson; Doubleday; 1978; 272pg Illustrated, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $5 Image Good Paperback $3
LE-192.The Turin Shroud, Ian Wilson; Victor Gollanz LTD.; 1978; 272pp Illustrated, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $5
LE-193.Verdict on the Shroud, Evidence for the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Kenneth E. Stevenson and Gary R. Habermas; Servant Books; 1981; 224pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $8 Good Hardcover, ex-library $6
E-MAIL bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com