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EX-1.The Beauties of the Catholic Church, Her Festivals, and Her Rites and Ceremonies Popularly Explained, Revised and Adapted to the New Code of Canon Law, Very Rev. F. J. Shadler, Introduction by Rt. Rev. P. N. Lynch; Frederick Pustet; 1881-1919; 499pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover $24 Very Good Paperback $18 Good Paperback, hinge repair $10
EX-2.Catholic Belief: A Short and Simple Exposition of Catholic Doctrine,Very Rev. Joseph Faà di Bruno; Author’s American Edition, Edited by Rev. Louis A. Lambert; Benziger Brothers; 1884; 387pg, 6”tall; Good Hardcover, possible hinge repair $20
EX-2a.Catholic Customs and Symbols, Varied Forms and Figures of Catholic Usage, Ceremony and Practice Briefly Explained, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh T. Henry; Benziger Brothers; 1925; 322pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, rare $32
EX-3.The Catholic Laymen’s Guide, A Brief Outline of What He Should Know and Do, Rev. R. G. Bandas; 1942; 36pg Illustrated, 8 ¾” tall; Very Good Paperback $5 1952 Revised and Enlarged Edition; 47pg Illustrated; Very Good Paperback $5
EX-5.The Church Visible, the Ceremonial Life and Protocol of the Roman Catholic Church, James-Charles Noonan, Special Consultor, Most Reverend Archbishop John P. Foley; Viking Penguin; 1996; 554pg Illustrated, 9 ½”tall; As New Hardcover in Plastic $7
EX-6.The Externals of the Catholic Church, Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals, Sacramentals, and Devotions, Rev. John F. Sullivan; P.J. Kenedy; 1918; 385pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover, some hinge repair $10 1942 Good Hardcover, some hinge repair $6
EX-7.The Externals of the Catholic Church, A Handbook of Catholic Usage, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John F. Sullivan, Revised by Rev. John C. O’Leary; P.J. Kenedy; 1951-1959; 403pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover $10
EX-8.The Faith in Practice, Catholic Doctrine and Life, Fr. Philip Hughes; Longmans, Green; 1941; 285pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $10 The Catholic Faith in Practice, Philip Hughes; Dimension Books; 1965; 286pg, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $12 Good+Hardcover, ex-library $8
EX-8a.Indulgences, Winfrid Herbst, S.D.S.; Bruce Publishing; 1955; 103pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $8
EX-9.The Sacramentals of the Holy Catholic Church, An Explanation of the Principal Sacramentals Such as the Forty Hours’ Adoration, the Rosary, the Litanies, the Missal, the Holy Oils, Holy Water, Blessed Candles, Sacred Vestments, Etc, Rev. A. A. Lambing; Benziger Brothers; 325pg, 7”tall; Good Hardcover $20 Very Good Paperback $16
EX-11.The Visible Church, Her Government, Ceremonies, Sacramentals, Festivals and Devotions: A Compendium of “The Externals of the Catholic Church,“A Text-Book for Catholic Schools, Rt. Rev. John F. Sullivan; 1922, P. J. Kenedy and Sons 1922; 278pg, Illustrated 8 ¼”tall; Good, hinge-repair or water marks on cover or writing on paste-downs $6