to request
CHS-1.A Bird’s-Eye View of Church History, Revised and Brought Up to Date; Catholic Truth Society; 1947; 73pg, 6 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8
CHS-2.Christian Persecutions, Being an Historical Exposition of the Principal Catholic Events, From the Christian Era to the Present Time: Written from an Unprejudiced Standpoint, Asa H. Craig; M. H. Wiltzius Co; Third Edition 1904; 496pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover, hinge repair $10
CHS-3.Christian Spirituality (Volume I From the Time of our Lord till the Dawn of the Middle Ages; Volume II In the Middle Ages; Volume III From the Renaissance to Jansenism), Rev. Pierre Pourrat, translated by W.H. Mitchell; Burns Oates & Washbourne/P.J. Kenedy; 1922-24-27; 3 volumes, 8 ¾”tall; Good repaired Hardcover, hinge and spine repair $75 set sold Volume II In the Middle Ages; Good Repaired Hardcover, ex-library $10 Volume III From the Renaissance to Jansenism; Good repaired Hardcover $10
CHS-4.Christian Spirituality, Rev. Pierre Pourrat, translated by Donald Attwater; Newman Press; 1953; 4 volume set; Good Hardcover set N/A Volume II In the Middle Ages; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $20 Volume III From the Renaissance to Jansenism; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $20 Volume IV From Jansenism to Modern Times; Very Good Hardcover, d/j $20
CHS-5.Church History (Volume One Christian Antiquity, Volume Two The Middle Ages, Volume Three Modern and Recent Times), Dr. Karl Bihlmeyer, Revised by Dr. Hermann Tüchle; Newman Press; 1958; 3 vols, 9 ½” tall; Good red Hardcover, ex-library $36 set Volume Three only $10
CHS-6.Church History through Biography, Eighteen Study Units with Aids for Discussion, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; 1940; 186pg Illustrated, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Paperback $5
CHS-7.The Church, A Pictorial History, Edward Rice; Farrar, Straus & Cudahy; 1961; 268pg Illustrated, 11 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, hinge repair $15
CHS-11.A Concise History of the Catholic Church; Thomas Bokenkotter; Doubleday; Revised and Expanded Edition 2004; 607pg Illustrated, 9 ½”tall; Excellent Hardcover $4 1977 Edition; 431pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $4 1979; Image Books; Very Good Paperback $2
CHS-12.Founded on a Rock, A History of the Catholic Church, Louis de Wohl; J. B. Lippincott; 1961; 249pg, 8 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $10
CHS-15.A General History of the Christian Era, For Catholic Colleges and Reading Circles and for Self-Instruction (Volume I The Papacy and the Empire; Volume II The Protestant Revolution; Volume III The Social Revolution,, A. Guggenberger, S. J.; B. Herder; 1919-1931; 3 volumes, 9 ¼” tall; Very Good Hardcover $75 sold Volume III only,The Social Revolution $20
CHS-16.A General History of the Christian Era, Textbook for High Schools and Colleges: Catholic University Series, Nicholas Weber, S.M.; Catholic Education Press; 1920; 2 volumes, 8”tall; Good repaired Hardcover $20 sold Volume II only $6
CHS-17.History of the Catholic Church for Use in Seminaries and Colleges, Dr. Heinrich Brueck and Cardinal Hergenrother, Translation by Rev. E. Pruente, Introduction by Mgr. James A. Corcoran; 1884-1885, Benziger; 1884-1885; 2 volumes, 9” tall; Very Good Hardcover $36 sold Volume I only; Good Hardcover, hinge-repair, ex-library $15
CHS-18.History of the Catholic Church, Ludwig Hertling, S.J., Translation from German by Anselm Gordon Biggs, O.S.B; Newman Press; 1957; 643pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $15
CHS-19.History of the Catholic Church (Volume I Period of Expansion; Volume II Period of the Church Fathers; Volume III, Period of the Early Middle Ages; Volume IV, Period of the Later Middle Ages; Volume V Period of the Renaissance and the Reformation; Volume VI Period of the Ancient Regime; Volume VII Period of the French Revolution; Volume VIII Period of the Early Nineteenth Century), Rev. Fernand Mourret, translated by Rev. Newton Thompson.; B. Herder; 1935-1945-1958; 8 volumes, 9 ¼” tall; Good Hardcover, hinge-repair $160 set sold Volume II $15 Volume IV $15 Volume V $15
CHS-20.History of the Catholic Church, Thomas P. Neill and Raymond H. Schmandt; Second Edition 1965; Bruce Publishing; 696pg Illustrated, 9 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, possible foxing SALE $10
CHS-21.History of the Catholic Church For the Use of Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (Volume I Ancient Church-Middle Ages-Beginnings of the Modern Period; Volume II Modern Period-Contemporary Church History), Dom Charles Poulet, authorized translation and adaption by Rev. Sidney Raemers; 1934-1945, B. Herder; 2 volumes, 9 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover $24
CHS-23.History of the Church from Its First Establishment to Our Own Times Designed for the Use of Ecclesiastical Seminaries and Colleges, Rev. J. A. Birkhaeuser; Frederick Pustet; 1888; 798pg, 9 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, hinge repair $12
CHS-25.History of the Church, Joseph Lortz-Edwin Kaiser, C.PP.S; Bruce Publishing; 1939; 578pg Illustrated, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, foxing possible SALE $10
CHS-26.History of the Church (Volume I The Church and the World in Which the Church Was Founded; Volume II The Church and the World the Church Created; Volume III The Revolt Against the Church: Aquinas to Luther), Philip Hughes; Sheed & Ward; 1935-1952; 3 volumes Illustrated, Maps, 8 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, possible scuffing or light underlining SALE $30 set
CHS-30.A Manual of Church History, Dr. Francis Xavier Funk, translated from 5th German Edition of Luigi Cappadelta; B. Herder; 1910; 2 volumes, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover $32 set sold Volume II only, Good+ Hardcover $12
CHS-30a.A Manual of Church History, Dr. Francis Xavier Funk, translated by P. Perciballi, edited by W.H. Kent, O.S.C.; Burns & Oates; 1914; 2 volumes, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, worn spine & corners $24 set sold
CHS-32.Manual of Universal Church History, Rev. Dr. John Alzog, translated with additions by F.J. Pabisch and Rev. Thos, S. Byrne; Volume I Benziger, Volumes II & III Robert Clarke; 1912-1876-1878; 3 volumes, 9 ½”tall; Repaired Hardcover $45 sold Volume III only; Good Hardcover $8
CHS-33.Our Sunday Visitor’s Encyclopedia of Catholic History, Matthew Bunson, Foreword by Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb; Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division; 1995; 1008pg Illustrated, 9 ½”tall; Excellent Hardcover $8
CHS-35.An Outline History of the Church by Centuries (From St. Peter to Pius XII), Joseph McSorley of the Paulist Fathers, Foreword by the Most Reverend John B. Peterson; B. Herder; 1948-1954;1084pg Illustrated, 9 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, possible shelf wear or hinge repair, sturdy binding, clean pages SALE $10
CHS-36.Panorama of Church History, L. Munch and J. Montjuvin; Editions de l’Ecole; 1964; folded panoramic sheet with chart, 7 ¼”tall; Very Good $10
CHS-38.A Popular History of the Catholic Church; Philip Hughes; MacMillan Co.; 1949; 294pg, 8 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover SALE $5 1954-1978 Image Books; Good+ Paperback SALE $3
CHS-39.Readings in Church History (Volume I From Pentecost to the Protestant Revolt; Volume II The Reformation and the Absolute States 1517-1789; Volume III The Modern Era 1789 to 1965), Edited by Colman J. Barry, O.S.B.; Newman Press; 1960; 3 volumes, 9 ¼”tall; Good Paperback $18 set Volume I only; Very Good Hardcover $10
CHS-40.Short Catechism of Church History for the Higher Grades of Catholic Schools; Rt. Rev. Mgr. J. H. Oechtering; B. Herder; 1901-1938; 128pg, 6 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover SALE $6
CHS-41.A Short History of the Catholic Church, Hermann Wedewer and Joseph McSorley; B. Herder; 1917-1931; 357pg Illustrated, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover SALE $5
CHS-42.The Story of the Catholic Church, Rev. George Stebbing, C.SS.R; B. Herder; 1915; 714pg, 8 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, hinge-repair $8
CHS-43.Studies in Church History, Fr. Bertrand L. Conway; B. Herder; 1915-1926; 204-222pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, hinge-repair $10
CHS-44.Summary of Catholic History (Volume I Ancient & Medieval History; Volume II Modern History), Newman C. Eberhardt, C.M.; B. Herder; 1961; 2 volumes, 9 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $30
CHS-45.The Triumph of the Church, Accompanied by an Historical Chart, Rev. John P. Markoe, S.J.; Catholic Information Society or Scafati Printing; 1960 21st Edition; 30pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Paperback $10 1926 Vincentian Press 16th Edition; Very Good Paperback $5
CHS-46.The Triumph,the Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church: A 2,000-Year History, H. W. Crocker III; Prima Publishing; 2001; 500pg, 9 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, slight foxing $4
CHS-47.The World’s Debt to the Catholic Church, James J. Walsh; Stratford Co; 1924; 319pg; Very Good Hardcover $18 Good Hardcover, hinge repair possible, warped board $10
HDR-1.The Church of Apostles and Martyrs, Henri Daniel-Rops, translated Audrey Butler; E.P. Dutton; 1960; 623pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $22 sold 2 Volume Set, Good Image Paperback, ex-library, possible soiled cover $10
HDR-2.The Church in the Dark Ages, Henri Daniel-Rops, translated by Audrey Butler; E.P. Dutton; 1959; 624pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, spine repair $16 sold 2 Volume Set, Good Image Paperback, possible soiled cover, library marks $10
HDR-3.Volume 3, Cathedral and Crusade, Studies of the Medieval Church 1050-1350, Henri Daniel-Rops, translated John Warrington; E. P. Dutton; 1957-1961; 644pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $16 2 Volume Set; Good Image Paperback $10
HDR-4.Volume 4, The Protestant Reformation, Henri Daniel-Rops, translated Audrey Butler; E. P. Dutton; 1958; 560pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $18 2 Volume Set; Good Image Paperback $8 Very Good bound 2 volume set $12
HDR-5.Volume 5, The Catholic Reformation, Henri Daniel-Rops, translated John Warrington; 1962; 435pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $20 2 Volume Set; Good Image Paperback, some neat underlining $10 Volume II only $5
HDR-6.Volume 6, The Church in the 17th Century, Henri Daniel-Rops, translated J.J. Buckingham; E.P. Dutton; 1963; 466pg, 8 ¾”tall;Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $18 2 Volume Set; Very Good Paperback $10
HDR-7.Volume 7, The Church in the 18th Century, Henri Daniel-Rops; translated John Warrington; E.P. Dutton; 1964; 373pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $16 Very Good Image Paperback $6
HDR-8.Volume 8, The Church in an Age of Revolution 1789-1870, Henri Daniel-Rops, translated John Warrington; E.P. Dutton; 1965; 509pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $16 2 Volume Set; Very Good Image Paperback $10
HDR-9.Volume 9, A Fight for God 1870-1939, Henri Daniel-Rops; 1966; 452pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $16
HDR-10.Volume 10, Our Brothers in Christ 1870-1959 (Survey of Christian Churches Not in Communion with Rome), Henri Daniel-Rops, translated J.M. Orpen and John Warrington; E.P. Dutton; 1967; 496pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $15