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PBI-0.St. Gregory the Great, His Work and His Spirit, Right Rev. Abbot Snow, O.S.B., revised by Dom Roger Hudleston, O.S.B.; Benziger Brothers; 1924; 357pg, 7 ½”tall; Good repaired Hardcover, ex-library $22
PBI-1a. The Correspondence of Pope Gregory VII, Selected Letters from the Registrum, Translated, with an Introduction by Ephraim Emerton; Columbia University Press; 1932; 212pgs; 9 ¼” tall; Good Hardcover, some foxing $10
PBI-3.Pope Innocent III and His Times, Joseph Clayton; Bruce Publishing Co; 1940; 204pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, foxing $10
PBI-3a.Nicholas Breakspear (Hadrian IV, A.D. 1154-1159), The Only English Pope, Rev. Horace K. Mann; B. Herder; 1914; 134pgs with Illustrations and a Map; 8 ½” tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $15
PBI-4a.Boniface VIII, T. S. R. Boase; Constable and Co; 1933; 397pgs with Illustrations and Map, 9” tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, some foxing $22
PBI-5a.At the Court of the Borgia being an Account of the Reign of Pope Alexander VI written by his Master of Ceremonies Johann Burchard, edited and translated by Geoffrey Parker; Folio Society; 1963; 245pg Illustrated, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10
PBI-5b.The Borgia Pope, Alexander the Sixth, Orestes Ferrara; Sheed & Ward; 1940; 455pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $16
PBI-6.St. Pius V, A Brief Account of His Life, Times, Virtues and Miracles, Robin Anderson; Tan Books; 1978; 100pg Illustrated, 7”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
PB-6a.The Life of Saint Pius the Fifth and Other Saints and Blessed of the Order of Friar Preachers, by a Father of the same order; Sadlier & Company; 1887; 357pg, 7”tall; Good Hardcover, repaired hinges, ex-library $28
PBI-7a.Life and Times of Sixtus the Fifth, Baron Hübner, translated by James F. Meline; Catholic Publication Society; 1873; 180pg, 7”tall; Poor Hardcover, loose pages, ex-library $10
PBI-8.Their Name Is Pius (Popes Pius IV to Pius XI, 1775-1939), Lillian Browne-Olf; 1941; 382pg Illustrated; Very Good Hardcover $18
PBI-10.The Life of Pope Pius IX and the Great Events of the Church during His Pontificate, John Gilmary Shea; Thomas Kelly; 1878; 475pg Illustrated, 8”tall; Fair Hardcover, hinge/spine-repair $20
PBI-12a.A Popular Life of Our Holy Father Pope Pius the Ninth, Drawn from the Most Reliable Authorities, Rev. Richard Brennan; 1877; Benziger Brothers; Sixth Edition; 282pgs with Illustrations, 8 ¼” tall; Good Hardcover, gilded cover $10 sold
PBI-14.Leo XIII – A Light from Heaven, Brother William Kiefer, S.M.; Bruce Publishing; 1961; 222pg Illustrated, 9”tall; Good+ Hardcover SALE $4
PBI-16.Life of Leo XIII – From an Authentic Memoir Furnished by His Order – The Complete Life of the Reverend Father, Right Rev. Bernard O’Reilly; John C. Winston Co; 1903; 758pg Illustrated, 9-9 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, some repair $8
PBI-18.Official Edition of the Life and Life-Work of Pope Leo XIII, Rev. James J. McGovern; 1903; 535pg Illustrated, 9 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $15 Good Hardcover, hinge repair $10
PBI-19.The Life of Pope Leo XIII, Containing a Full and Authentic Account of the Illustrious Pontiff’s Life and Work, J. Martin Miller; Edward J. Murphy; 1908; 565pg Illustrated, 9 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, hinge repair $12
PBI-23.The Disaster in Calabria and Sicily on the 28th of December, 1908, Frederick Pustet; 1910; 75pg Illustrated, 9 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $6 sold
PBI-25.The Great Mantle, the Life of Giuseppe Melchiore Sarto, Pope Pius X, Katherine Burton; Longmans, Green; 1950; 238pg IL, 8 ¼” tall; Very Good Hardcover SALE $5 PBI-29.Memories of Pope Pius X, Cardinal Merry Del Val; Newman Press; 1956; 81pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $15
PBI-31.Pius X, A Country Priest, Igino Giordani; 1952-1954; 205pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover SALE $5
PBI-33.Saint Pius X, the New Italian Life of the Saint, M. H. Gill; 1959; 248pg, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
PBI-34.St. Pius X, Pope, Most Reverend Jan Olaf Smit; St. Paul Editions; 1964; 184pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, little foxing $12
PBI-35.Pope St. Pius X, F. A. Forbes; Tan Books; 1987; 125pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
PBI-37.The Life of Benedict XV, Walter H. Peters; Bruce Publishing; 1959; 321pg Illustrated, 9” tall; Very Good Hardcover SALE $5
PBI-38.Pius XI: Apostle of Peace, Lillian Browne-Olf; MacMillan; 1938; 257pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8
PBI-39.Pius XI – A Close-Up, Cardinal Carlo Calfalonieri; Benzigers Sisters Publishers; 1975; 342pg Illustrated, 8 ½” tall; Very Good Paperback $9
PBI-40.Pius XI, The Pope and the Man, Zolt Aradi; Hanover House; 1958; 262pg Illustrated, 8 ½” tall; Very Good Hardcover SALE $5
PBI-42.Pope Pius the Eleventh, Philip Hughes; Sheed & Ward; 1937; 318pg Illustrated, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, hinge repair $12
PBI-43.Pope Pius XI and World Affairs, William Teeling; Frederick A. Stokes; 1937; 312pg Illustrated, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12
PBI-44.Pope Pius XI and World Peace, Lord Clonmore; E. P. Dutton; 1938; 306pg Illustrated, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, slight foxing $10
PBI-47.A Day with the Pope (Pope Pius XII), Charles Hugo Doyle; Doubleday; 1950; 64pg Illustrated, 10 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, front page torn out $15 Good Paperback, hinge-repair $10
PBI-48.Angelic Shepherd, The Life of Pope Pius XII, Most Rev. Jan Olav Smit; English Adaption, Rev. James H. Vanderveldt, O.F.M; Dodd, Mead; 1950; 326pg Illustrated, 8 ½” tall; Good Hardcover $12
PBI-49.Crown of Glory, the Life of Pope Pius XII, Alden Hatch and Seamus Walshe; Hawthorn Books; 1957; 251pg Illustrated, 9” tall; Very Good Hardcover SALE $6 1958 Memorial Edition; Very Good Hardcover SALE $6
PBI-51.Keeper of the Keys, A Life of Pope Pius XII, Thomas McDermott; Bruce; 1946; 267pg Illustrated, 8”tall; Good Hardcover $8
PBI-52.The Life of Pope Pius XII, Rev. Charles Hugo Doyle; Didier; 1945; 258pg Illustrated, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $13
PBI-53.Pius XII, the Angelic Shepherd, Piero Bargellini; Good Shepherd Publishing; 1950; 181pg Illustrated, 8 ¾ tall; Very Good Hardcover $10
PBI-54.Pius XII, the Life and Work of a Great Pope, Msgr. Pierre Pfister; Studio Publications with Thomas Y. Crowell Co; 1955; 159pg Illustrated, 10”tall; Very Good Hardcover, gilded cover $16
PBI-56.Pius XII: Eugenio Pacelli, Pope of Peace, Oscar Halecki and James F. Murray Jr.; Farrar, Straus and Young; 1951-1954; 394pg, 8 ¼”; Very Good Hardcover $6
PBI-58.Pope Pius XII, Priest and Statesman: A Biography, Kees Van Hoek; Philosphical Library; 1944; 106pg Illustrated, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8
PBI-60.Prayers of Pope Pius XII, Translation by Martin W. Schoenberg, O.S.C.; Newman Press; 1957; 115pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $14
PBI-61.We Have a Pope, The Life of Pope Pius XII, Rev. Charles Hugo Doyle; St. Anthony Guild Press; 1942; 118pg Illustrated, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8
PBI-62.Witness of the Light, The Life of Pope Pius XII, Katherine Burton; Longmans, Green; 1958; 248pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8
PBI-69.Pius XII, Greatness Dishonored: A Documented Study, Michael O’Carroll, C.S.Sp; Laetare Press; 1980; 251pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10
PBI-70.Hitler, the War, and the Pope (Pius XII), Ronald J. Rychlak; Genesis Press; 2000; 469pg, 9 ¼”tall; Excellent Hardcover $5
PBI-72.(Man of Peace) Pope Pius XII: Architect for Peace, Margherita Marchione; Paulist Press; 2000; 345pg Illustrated 9”tall; Very Good Paperback $13
PBI-74.A Reporter Looks at the Vatican, Barrett McGurn; Coward-McCann; 1962; 316pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $4
PBI-76.Our Glorious Popes, The Lives and Times of the Holy Roman Pontiffs Who Saved the Church during Great Crises for Christendom, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; Still River; 1995; 122pg Illustrated, 9 ¼”tall; Good Paperback $8 2 copies
PBI-77.Pageant of the Popes, John Farrow; Sheed and Ward; 1942-1950; 394/425pg Illustrated, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover SALE $5 1950 Catechetical Guild Educational Society; Good Paperback $5
PBI-79.Les Papes d’Avignon (1305-1378) (French), G. Mollat; Librairie Victor Lecoffre; 1920; 423pg, 7 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $5
PBI-80.Popes in the Modern World, Francis Sugrue; 1961, Thomas Y. Crowell Co; 1961’ 274pg Illustrated, 9”tall; Very Good Hardcover $4
PBI-84.The Papacy, An Illustrated History from St. Peter to Paul VI, Edited by Christopher Hollis; MacMillan Co; 1964; 304pg Illustrated, 12 ½”tall; Good Hardcover $6
PBI-85.Popes Through the Ages, Joseph S. Brusher, S.J.; Neff-Kane; 1980; 536pg Illustrated, 11 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $6
PBI-85a.The Triple Crown, an Account of the Papal Conclaves from the 15th Century to Modern Times, Valerie Pirie; Spring Books; 1965 (originally published 1935); 346pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $10