+Fathers and Doctors+


ACW-0.Ancient Christian Writers, the Works of the Fathers in Translation, edited by J. Quasten, S.T.D., W.J. Burghardt, S.J., J.C. Plumpe; Newman Press; 1946-1967; 8 ¾”tall; Good to Very Good Hardcover, possible ex-library, possible d/j; Volumes 1-36 $350 sold

Individual volumes:                                                                                                                           ACW-1.No.1 The Epistles of St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch, translated and annotated by James A. Kleist, S.J.; Newman Bookshop; 1946; 162pg; Good+ Hardcover $8                                                                                                                                             ACW-2.No. 2 St. Augustine the First Catechetical Instruction, translated and annotated by Rev. Joseph P. Christopher; Newman Bookshop; 1946; 171pg; Good+ Hardcover $8        ACW-3.No. 3 St. Augustine Faith Hope and Charity, translated and annotated by Very Rev. Louis A. Arand; Newman Press; 1955; 165pg; Good Hardcover $8                                      ACW-4.No. 4 Julianus Pomerius The Contemplative Life, translated and annotated by Sr. Mary Josephine Suelzer; Newman Bookshop; 1947; 220pg; Good+ Hardcover $8                  ACW-5.No. 5 St. Augustine The Lord’s Sermon on the Mount, translated by Very Rev. John J. Jepson; Newman Press; 1948; 227pg; Good+ Hardcover $15                              ACW-6.No. 6 The Didache, Epistle of Barnabas, Epistles and Martyrsom of St. Polycarp, the Fragments of Papias, Epistle to Diognetus, translated and annotated by James A. Kleist, S.J.; Newman Press; 1948; 235pg; Very Good Hardcover $10                                          ACW-7.No.7 Arnobius of Sica The Case Against the Pagans, Volume One Introduction, Books One-Three, translated and annotated by George E. McCracken; Newman Press; 1949; 372pg; Very Good Hardcover $10                                                                                              ACW-8.No.8 Arnobius of Sica The Case Against the Pagans, Volume Two, Books Four-Seven, translated and annotated by George E. McCracken; Newman Press; 1949; 372pg; Very Good Hardcover $10                                                                                                          ACW-9.No.9 St. Augustine the Greatness of the Soul, The Teacher, translated and annotated by Joseph M. Colleran, C.SS.R.; Newman Press; 1950; 255pg; Good+ Hardcover $10                                                                                                                                                      ACW-10.No.10 St. Athanasius The Life of St. Antony, translated and annotated by Robert T. Meyer; Newman Press; 1950; 154pg; Good+ Hardcover $12                                                    ACW-11.No. 11 St. Gregory the Great, Pastoral Care, translated and annotated by Henry Davis, S.J.; Newman Press; 1955; 281pg; Good+ Hardcover $10                                       ACW-12.No. 12 St. Augustine against the Academics, translated and annotated by John J. O’Meara; Newman Press; 1950; 213pg; Very Good Hardcover $10                                  ACW-13.No. 13 Tertullian Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage, To His Wife, an Exhortation to Chastity, Monogamy, translated and annotated by William P. Le Saint, S.J.; Newman Press; 1951; 196pg; Good+ Hardcover $10                                                                ACW-14.No.14 St. Prosper of Aquitaine The Call of all Nations, translated and annotated by P. De Letter, S.J.; Newman Press; 1952; 234pg; Good+ Hardcover $12                          ACW-15.No. 15 St. Augustine Sermons for Christmas and Epihany, translated and annotated by Thomas Comerford Lawler; Newman Press; 1952; 249pg; Good+ Hardcover $15                                                                                                                                                    ACW-16.No. 16 St. Irenaeus Proof of the Apostolic Preaching, translated and annotated by Joseph P. Smith, S.J.; Newman Press; 1952; 233pg; Good Hardcover only in set sold  ACW-17.No. 17 The Works of St. Patrick, St. Secundinus Hymn on St. Patrick, translated and annotated by Ludwig Bieler; Newman Press; 1953; 121pg; Good+ Hardcover $15    ACW-18.No. 18 St. Gregory of Nyssa The Lord’s Prayer, The Beatitudes, translated and annotated by Hilda C. Graef; Newman Press; 1954; 210pg; Good Hardcover $10          ACW-19.No. 19 Origen Prayer, Exhortation to Marytrdom, translated and annotated by John J. O’Meara; Newman Press; 1954; 253pg; Good Hardcover $8                               ACW-20.No. 20 Rufinus, Commentary on the Apostles’ Creed, translated and annotated by J.N.D. Kelly; Newman Press; 1955; 166pg; Good+ Hardcover $15                                  ACW-21.No. 21 St. Maximus the Confessor, The Ascetic Life, Four Centuries of Charity, translated and annotated by Polycarp Sherwood, O.S.B.; Newman Press; 1955; 284pg; Very Good Hardcover only in set sold                                                                                       ACW-22.No. 22 St. Augustine, the Problem of Free Choice, translated and annotated by Dom Mark Pontifex; Newman Press; 1955; 291pg; Good+ Hardcover $15                            ACW-23.No. 23 Athenagoras. Embassy for the Christians, Resurrection of the Dead, translated and annotated by Joseph Hugh Crehan, S.J.; Newman; 1956; 193pg; Good+ Hardcover $15                                                                                                                                ACW-24.No. 24 Tertullian, Treatise against Hermogenes, translated and annotated by J. H. Waszink; Newman Press; 1956; 178pg; Good+ Hardcover $15                                          ACW-25.No. 25 St. Cyprian, The Lapsed, Unity of the Catholic Church, translated and annotated by Maurice Bévenot, S.J.; Newman Press; 1957; 133pg; Good Hardcover $15        ACW-26.No. 26 Origen, Song of Songs, Commentary and Homilies, translated and annotated by R.P. Lawson; Newman Press; 1957; Good+ Hardcover $12                          ACW-27.No.28 Methodius of Olympus, The Symposium, Treatise on Chastity, translated and annotated by Herbert Musurillo, S.J.; Newman Press; 1958; 249pg; Very Good Hardcover $15                                                                                                                                      ACW-28.No. 28 Tertullian, Treatises on Penance, on Penitence and on Purity, translated and annotated by William P. Le Saint, S.J.; Newman Press; 1959; 330pg; Good+ Hardcover $15                                                                                                                                    ACW-29.No. 29 St. Augustine on the Psalms, Volume I Psalms 1-29, translated and annotated by Dame Scholastica Hebgin and Dame Felicitas Corrigan; Newman Press; 1960; 354pg; Good+ Hardcover only in set sold                                                                        ACW-30.No. 29 St. Augustine on the Psalms, Volume II Psalms 30-37, translated and annotated by Dame Scholastica Hebgin and Dame Felicitas Corrigan; Newman Press; 1960; 354pg; Very Good Hardcover only in set sold                                                                ACW-31.No. 31 St. John Chrysostom, Baptismal Instructions, translated and annotated by Paul W. Harkins; Newman Press; 1963; 375pg; Very Good Hardcover only in set sold  ACW-32.No. 32 Prosper of Aquitaine: Defense of St. Augustine, translated and annotated by P. De Letter; Newman Press; 1963; Good+ Hardcover $15                                                  ACW-33.No. 33 The Letters of St. Jerome Volume I, Letters 1-22, translated by Charles Christopher Mierow, introduction and notes by Thomas Comerford Lawler; Newman Press; 1963; 281pg; Very Good Hardcover only in set sold                                                    ACW-34.No. 34 Palladius: The Lausiac History, translated and annotated by Robert T. Meyer; Newman Press; 1965; 265pg; Very Good Hardcover only in set sold                      ACW-35.No. 35 Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola Volume I Letters 1-22, translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh; Newman Press; 1966; 277pg; Very Good Hardcover only in set sold                                                                                                                                                ACW-36.No. 36 Letters of St. Paulinus of Nola Volume II Letters 23-51, translated and annotated by P.G. Walsh; Newman Press; 1967; 389pg; Very Good Hardcover only in set sold

 ACW-38.No. 38 Egeria: Diary of a Pilgrimage, translated and annotated by George E. Gingras; Newman Press; 1970; 287pg; Very Good Hardcover $15


F&D-1.The Ante-Nicene Fathers, translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325, Volume I The Apostolic Fathers-Justin Martyr-Irenaeus, Rev. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson Editors, Revised and chronologically arranged with brief prefaces and occasional notes by A. Cleveland Coxe; T&T Clark/Wm. B. Eerdmans; American Reprint of the Edinburgh Edition 1996; 602pg, 9 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $22

F&D-2.The Apostolic Fathers Part II, the Epistles of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp with Introductory Preface comprising a History of the Christian Church in the Second Century, Dr. Burton; Griffith Farran; 277pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover, repaired hinges, uncut fragile pages $8

F&D-3.The Doctors of the Church, Rev. Father Paul, O.S.F.C., Preface by Most Rev. Thomas Leighton Williams; Burns Oates and Washbourne;1931; 181pg, 7 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $22

F&D-3.The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius Pamphilus, Bisop of Cesarea in Palestine, translated from the original with an introduction by Christian Frederick Cruse and An Historical View of the Council of Nice by Isaac Boyle; Baker Book House; 1989 Reprint; Very Good Hardcover $14

F&D-4.Elementary Patrology, the Writings of the Fathers of the Church, Aloys Dirksen, C.PP.S.; B. Herder; 1959; 314pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8

F&D-5.Enchiridion Patristicum Loci SS. Patrum, Doctorum Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum, quos in usum scholarum collegit M.J. Rouët Journel, S.J.; Editorial Herder; 1922-1946-1953; 802pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover $15

F&D-6.The Fathers of the Primitive Church, Herbert Musurillo, S.J.; Mentor-Omega; 1966; 272pg Illustrated, 7”tall; Good Paperback $4

F&D-8.Handbook of Patrology, Rev. J. Tixeront, authorized translation, based on the fourth French edition by S.A. Raemers; B. Herder Book Co.;1951; 380pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library, small amount of underlining $10                                                                1934-1939 Good repaired Hardcover, ex-library, notes and underlining $6

F&D-9.Manual of Patrology, Rev. Bernard Schmidt, O.S.B., translated from the 5th German Edition by a Benedictine, Notes and additions for English readers by Rt. Rev. V.J. Schobel, Preface by Rt. Rev. J.B. Hedley, O.S.B.; B. Herder; 1899; 351pg, 8”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $15                                                                                                                  Fair Hardcover, foxing and notes $8

F&D-10.Origen, Jean Daniélou, translated by Walter Mitchell; Sheed & Ward; 1955; 343pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $28

F&D-11.Origen, His Life at Alexandria, René Cadiou, translated by John A. Southwell; Herder Book Co.; 1944; 338pg, 9 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $20

F&D-12.Manual of Patrology and History of Theology, F. Cayré, translated by H. Howitt; Society of St. John the Evangelist; 1935-1940; 2 volumes; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $48 set

F&D-13.Patrology, Berthold Altaner, translated by Hilda C. Graef; Herder and Herder; 1959; 660pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $18

F&D-14.Patrology (Volume I The Beginnings of Patristic Literature; Volume II The Ante-Nicene Literature after Irenaeus; Volume III The Golden Age of Greek Patristic Literature from the Council of Nicaea to the Council of Chalcedon), Johannes Quasten; Spectrum Publishers, Newman Press; 1962; 3 volumes, 9”tall; Very Good dark blue Hardcover $36    Good+ Hardcover set $32

F&D-15.The Scandal of the Incarnation: Irenaeus against the Heresies, Selected with an Introduction by Han Urs von Balthasar, translated by John Saward; Ignatius Press; 1990; 111pg, 8”tall; Good+ Hardcover $6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  F&D-16.A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Second Series, Volume XI Sulpitius Severus, Vincent of Lerins, John Cassian, Editors Philip Schaff and Henry Wace; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing; 1964: 641pg, 9 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, d/j, ex-library $12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      F&D-17.Social Message of the Early Church Fathers, Igino Giordani, translated by Alba I. Zizzamia; St. Anthony Guild Press; 1944; 356pg, 9 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, hinge repair, ex-library $5                                                                                                                                             St. Paul Editions 1977; Very Good Hardcover $7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    F&D-18.A Treasury of Early Christianity (Letters, Essays, Poetry, Meditations, Creeds, Councils), selected and edited by Anne Fremantle; Viking Press; 1953; 625pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $7                                                                                                            Mentor Books 1960; Very Good Paperback $4