30-54. Daily Missal of the Mystical Body (Latin-English Ordinary & Propers), edited by Maryknoll Fathers & Rev. Charles Callan, O.P.; P.J. Kenedy & Sons; 1961; 1699pg; Good black leather, repair to edges of covers, pages very good $15 Good black leatherette, faded red edges, wear to edges of Ordinary pages & spine $12
30-58. (New) Marian Missal for Daily Mass(Latin-English Ordinary & Propers), Sylvester P. Juergens, S.M.; Mary Immaculate Queen Center; 2005 Printing of 1958-1960 Missal; 1448pg Illustrated, 6 ¾”tall; As New Hardcover, white $35
30-58a. Maryknoll Missal (formerly published as Daily Missal of the Mystical Body), edited by the Maryknoll Fathers; 1965; 1280pg, 7”tall; Very Good black leather, gilt edges $15
30-73. I Pray the Mass Sunday Missal with Treasury of Private Prayers (Dialogue Mass Edition with Latin), arranged by Rev. Hugo Hoever, S.O.Cist.; Catholic Book Publishing; 1946-58-61; 383pg; Good white leatherette, some wear to corners & spine $10
30-74. The Marian Sunday Missal (English only), compiled by Sylvester Juergens, S.M.; Regina Press; 1959; 418pp Color Illustrations; Good blue plastic cover, faded page edges, worn but intact & usable $5
30-78. Mein Sonntags Messbuch (Latin-German); Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 1947; 604pg Illustrated; 5 ½”tall; Good+ Softcover $7
30-80. Saint Anthony Sunday Missal including Mass and Novena to Saint Anthony and Solemn Feasts of the Church (English only), Conventual Franciscan Fathers; 1956; 392pg, 5 ½” tall; Good Softcover $6
30-92a. A Manual of Practical Devotion to the Glorious Patriarch St. Joseph including the Masses, Novenas, Litanies and Other Pious Exercises for the Feasts of the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, translated from the Italian of Father Patrignani, S.J.; Marian Publications; originally published 1865, 1979 Reprint; 328pp, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Paperback $8 Tan Books 1982; Very Good Paperback $8 Tan Books 1982; Good Paperback $5
30-92b.(New) Manual of the Servant of Mary according to the Spirit and Methods of William Joseph Chaminade; Maryhurst Press; 1954; 120pg, 5 ½”tall; Good+ Booklet $6
30-93. Mothers’ Manual, Prayers and Directives for Mothers and Expectant Mothers, A. Francis Coomes, S.J., Queen’s Work; 1945; 203pp, 4 ¾”tall Illustrated; Good+ blue paperback $10 sold 1969 Third Revision; 196pp, 5” tall; Very Good, blue plastic cover $6 Very Good Paperback $5
30-96b.A Holy Ghost Manual, compiled and edited by Rev. L.M. Dooley, S.V.D.; Imprimatur 1944, Refuge of Sinners 2015; 240pp, 6”tall; Very Good Paperback $7
30-101.Manual of Prayers for Use of the Catholic Laity, Prepared and Enjoined by Order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore, Roman Catholic Books; 1889 Imprimatur, 1996 Edition; 832pg, 7 ½” tall; Good+ Hardcover, musty smell $28
30-105a.Manual of the Purgatorian Society containing Spiritual Reading for Every Day of the Month also the Ordinary Prayers of a Pious Catholic; Imprimatur 1946; Refuge of Sinners Publishers 2006; 281pp, 6”tall; Very Good Paperback $6
30-106. The Raccolta or Prayers and Devotions Enriched with Indulgences, Edited and in part newly translated from the 1938 edition “Preces et Pia Opera” with later additions by Rev. Joseph P. Christopher and Rev. Charles E. Spence; Benziger Brothers; 1943-1944; 590pp+Appendix, also Prayer for Families Supplement; Good+ blue Hardcover, 7” tall, red edges $32 sold
30-106a. Saint Joseph Catholic Manual, Complete Manual of Christian Doctrine with Prayers and Devotions, Lives of the Saints and Epistles and Gospels for Sundays, edited Rev. Hugo Hoever; Catholic Book Publishing Co.; 1956; 895pp Color IL, 6 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, red edges, slightly used $38
30-110. Blessed Be God, a Complete Catholic Prayer Book, Very Rev. Charles Callan, O.P. and Very Rev. John McHugh, O.P.; P.J. Kenedy & Sons; 1925; 744pp, 6 ½”tall; Very Good Moroccan leather, gilt edges $45 sold 1959 Imprimatur, Confraternity Version; Very Good black imitation leather $32 Refuge of Sinners Publishing; 1925 Imprimatur, 2013 Reprint; 754pp, 6 ¼”tall; As New Paperback $16
Cardinal Newman Prayer Books: 30-115.Heart to Heart, a Cardinal Newman Prayerbook, compiled from his writings by Daniel M. O’Connell, S.J.; America Press; 1938; 322pp, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover, convent library, no outside markings $12 Very Good Hardcover, faded boards $10 Good Hardcover, ex-library $8 39-116.Kindly Light, a (Second) Cardinal Newman Prayerbook, compiled from his writings by Daniel M. O’Connell, S.J.; America Press; 1940; 346pp, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8 30-117.And with the Morn, a Third Cardinal Newman Prayerbook, compiled from his writings by Daniel M. O’Connell, S.J.; America Press; 1947; 253pp, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12 Good Hardcover, ex-library $8
30-121.Devotion to the Eternal Wisdom of Christ the King as revealed to Teresa Helena Higginson; Imprimatur 1926; 28pp, 6 ¼”tall; Very Good booklet $4
30-121a.Devotions for Confession, selected and arranged by Hubert McEvoy, S.J.; Templegate; 1964; 284pp, 6 ¾”tall; Very Good imitation leather, red edges, convent library $26
30-122.Devotions to Saint Anthony of Padua for Private or Public Use; Franciscan Herald Press; 1938; 48pp, 5 ½”tall; Good+ booklet $3
30-122a.The Divine Armory of Holy Scripture, Rev. Kenelm Vaughan; B. Herder Book Co; 1938; 928pp, 6 ¼” tall; Very Good Hardcover, red edges $32 1923 Good Hardcover, reinforced hinges $24 New Revised Edition edited by Rev. Newton Thomas; 1945-1948; 444pp, 8” tall; Very Good Hardcover, red edges $24
30-122b.Divine Praises, Collected from Holy Scripture and Other Sources, Rev. James Walcher; Bruce Publishing; 1930; 204pg, 6”tall; Good flexible leather, ex-library $12
30-123.A Dominican Mission, a Dominican Missionary; Holy Name Headquarters; 1950’s; 138pp, 6”tall; Fair repaired Booklet $4
30-125.Father John A. O’Brien’s Mass and Prayer Book; Ave Maria Press; 1959; 48pp, 6 ½”tall; Very Good Booklet $4
30-126.Flowers from the Garden of the Precious Blood; Imprimatur 1940, Refuge of sinners Publishers 2010; 205pp, 5”tall; Very Good Paperback $10
30-127.The Garland of Praise, Spiritual Songs for Use in the Catholic Church with Prayers for Mass and Latin Hymns (English translations from German & Latin), Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Rothensteiner; B. Herder Book Co.; 1929; 307pg, 6”tall; Very Good Hardcover, rare $12
30-130.Hail O Cross Our Only Hope, collected prayers of Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross; 1958; about 80pg, 6 ½”tall; Good pages in small leather binder $5
30-134.Jesus Live in Me through the blessed Virgin Mary in the Spirit of St. Therese, Father Marian, O.F.M.; Imprimatur 1947, Refuge of Sinners Publishing 2014; 191pg, 5”tall; Very Good Paperback $7 sold Jesu, Zyj We Mnie przez Najsw. Marye Panne i Tereske swieta, Marjan Siwik, O.F.M.; 1944; 250pp Illustrated, 5” tall; Very Good imitation leather, red edges $15
30-138.Maryknoll Fathers’ Prayer Book, Daily and Occasional Prayers; Catholic Foreign Mission Society; 1960; 70pp, 6”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8
30-139a.My Crucifix and My Rosary, a Large Type Prayer Book for Shut-Ins, Sick and Elderly People (Stations of the Cross and Mysteries of the Rosary), Rev. Joseph A. Viano; Alba House; 1983; 64pg Illustrated, 8”tall; Very Good Paperback $5
30-142. My Daily Psalm Book, the Book of Psalms arranged for Each Day of the Week, Rev. Joseph Frey; Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 1947; 368pg Illustrated, 5” tall; Very Good softcover $3
30-143. My Daily Reading from the New Testament, Gospels Unified, Epistles Unified, arranged by Rev. Joseph Stedman; Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 1941; 575pg, 5” tall; Good Paperback, slight repair $6
30-145.My Little Prayer Book for Byzantine Catholics (English only); Byzantine Seminary Press; 1974; 55pg, 7”tall; Good Paperback, spot on front cover $4
30-150.A Prayer Book of Favorite Litanies, compiled by Father Albert J. Hebert, S.M.; Tan Books; 1985; 351pg, 7”tall; Very Good Paperback $3
+The Following and Imitation of Christ+
K-7a.The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis, translated Richard Whitford, modern English Wilfrid Raynal, O.S.B.; Templegate; 1950’s; 283pp, 5 ½”tall; Good red pocket size $7
K-8.The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, translated from the Latin into Modern English; Bruce Publishing; Imprimatur 1940; 257pp, 7”tall; Very Good Hardcover or imitation leather $12
K-9.The Imitation of Christ Complete in Four Books by Thomas a Kempis, Pocket Edition with alphabetical index, edited by Rev. William A. Carroll; Catholic Book Publishing; 1947; 351pp, 4 ½”tall; Fair, repaired spine, missing title pages $5
K-11.The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis, translated by Ronald Knox and Michael Oakley; Sheed & Ward; 1959; 217pp, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, ex-library, taped d/j $5
K-12.The Imitation of Christ in Four Books by Thomas a Kempis, newly edited by Clare L. Fitzpatrick; Catholic Book Pub.; 1977; 288pp, 7”tall; Very Good Hardcover $5
K-13.The Imitation of Christ, Thomas a Kempis, translated from Latin by the Rt. Rev. Richard Challoner, to which are added Practical reflections and a Prayer after Each Chapter; Tan Books; 1989; 427pp, 7”tall; Good+ red Paperback $4
K-15.My Imitation of Christ; Thomas a Kempis; 1954; Confraternity of the Precious Blood; 474pp with Illustrations, 5 ¼” tall; Very Good Leatherette $7
K-16.The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Rheims) with Annotations and References by Dr. Challoner and Dr. H. J. Ganss, Preface by Rev. J.M. Lelen; 672pp Illustrated and The Following of Christ in Four Books by Thomas a Kempis with Practical Reflections and a Prayer at the End of Each Chapter, edited by Rev. J.M. Lelen; 352pp Illustrated; Catholic Book Publishing; 1946-1960; Good Prayer Book, red edges, some repair $18
NV-1.The Blessed Martin Book: Life Sketch, Novena and Other Prayers in Honor of Blessed Martin de Porres; Blessed Martin Guild; 1937; 24+pp, 5 ½”tall; Very Good booklet plus 2 other Good booklets $3
NV-3.Devotion to St. Anthony of Padua for Private or Public Use compiled from approved sources; Franciscan Herald Press; Imprimatur 1924, Copyright 1961, Printing 1971; 48pp, 6”tall; Very Good Paperback plus older soiled booklets $3
NV-3a.Devotions in Honor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Official Edition; Liguori Publications; 63pg, 5 ¼”tall; Very Good Paperback $4
NV-10.Novena Hymns and Prayers, St. Ann, for Congregational Praying, Rev. J.S. Kalvelage, C.Ss.R.; J.S. Paluch; 1942; Very good booklet $3
NV-11.Nowenna Litanja-Modlitwy I Pieśni Do (Our Lady of Lasalette Novena in Polish), B. Saletynskiej; 1933; 20pp, 5”tall; Very Good booklet $2
NV-13.Novena in Honor of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (English and Italian), Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart; 1944; Good booklet $2 6 copies
NV-14.Novena Prayers and Sketch of the Life of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini; Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart; 1948; 48pp, 5 ¾”tall; Very Good Booklet $3
NV-17.Novena in Honor of the Only Canonized Saints of North America (Isaac Jogues, John de Brebeuf, Gabriel Lalamant, Charles Garnier, Anthony Daniel, Noel Chabanel, Rene Goupil, John Lalande, Rev. John Wynne, S.J.; 1936; 32pp, 6”tall; Very Good Paperback $6
NV-18.Novena in Honor of St. Patrick; St. Patrick’s Church, Madison, WI; 1958; 32pp, 6 ½”tall; Very Good booklet $2
NV-19.Novena of Grace in Honor of St. Francis Xavier, March 4-12, Gesu Church; 1930; 16pp, 6”tall; Very Good Booklet $2
NV-20.A Novena of Holy Communions according to the Effects of Holy Communion and the Eight Beatitudes, Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik; Benedictine Convent of Perpetual Adoration; Imprimatur 1960, Tan Reprint 1995; 51pp, 6”tall; Very Good Paperback $3
NV-23.Novena to St. Benedict; St. John’s Abbey Press; 1949; 28pp, 8”tall; Very Good booklet $3
NV-32.Novena Prayers in Honor of Our Sorrowful Mother, compiled & arranged by Rev. James R. Keane, O.S.M.; 1938-1958; 48pp, 6 ½”tall; Good booklet $3
NV-32a.Our Dead, Devotional Prayers with Novena, Rev. Edward Lodge Curran and Prayers for the Dead with Novena from Approved Sources; 1935/1932; 32pp; Good booklets 2 for $4
NV-36a.Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, Central Association of Miraculous Medal; original copyright 1933, reprinted 1976; 21pg, 5 ¼”tall; Very Good Paperback $3
NV-37.Rosary Novenas by a Dominican Father; 1946; 35pp Color Illustrations, 5 ½”tall; Good booklet, soiled front cover $2
NV-40.Rosary Novenas to Our Lady, Charles V. Lacey, Preface Rev. Raymond P. Lawrence; Benziger Brothers; 1926; 48pp Illustrated, 5 ¼”tall; Good booklet $3 sold As new Refuge of Sinners 2014 Reprint $4
NV-42.Spirit of the Catholic Apostolate, Novena in Honor of Blessed Vincent Pallotti, Augustine A. Bogdanski, S.A.C.; Bruce Publishing; 1950; 64pp, 5 ¼”tall; Very Good booklet $3
NV-45.30 Favorite Novenas; Tan Books; Imprimatur 1962, Printing 1975-1990; 31pp, 6”tall; Very Good booklet $2
NV-46.Treasury of Novenas, more than forty of the most popular novenas arranged for private prayer in accord with the Liturgical Year and Feasts of Jesus, Mary and the Saints with short meditations; Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.; Catholic Book Publishing; 1986; 351pp Illustrated, 6 ½”tall; Very Good plastic cover $7
NV-47.”Triple” Novena Manual of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Father Stedman, Msgr. John Gorman; Confraternity of the Precious Blood; Revised 1975; 158pp Illustrated, 5”tall; Very Good red imitation leather $5