

Email order: bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com

AT-1.The Ascetical Life, Pascal P. Parente, S.T.D.; B. Herder Books Co.; 1944-1953; 271pg, 8 ½”tall; Fair Hardcover, ex-library, much outside wear but good binding & pages $6              Fair Hardcover, ex-library, some notes & underlining $4

AT-2.The Christian Experience, an Introduction to a Theology, Abbe Jean Mouroux; Sheed & Ward; 1954; 370pg, 8 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, poor d/j $12

AT-6.Enchiridion Asceticum (Latin & Greek), M.J. Rouet De Journel, S.J. & J. Dutilleul, S.J.; Editorial Herder; 1947; 683pg, 8”tall; Good Hardcover, some inner hinge repair, puckered boards $18

AT-13.The Theology of the Spiritual Life, Joseph de Guibert, S.J., translated Paul Barrett, O.F.M., Cap.; Sheed & Ward; 1953-54; 382pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $14                Good Hardcover, some neat underlining $10


bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com or 715-539-3637

DT-3.Christianity, an Outline of Dogmatic Theology for Laymen, Joseph H. Fichter, S.J.; B. Herder; 1946; 267pg, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover, Good d/j $7                                       Very Good Hardcover, ex-library $5

DT-4b.Dictionary of Dogmatic Theology, Pietro Parente, Antonio Piolanti, Salvatore Garofalo, translated by Emmanuel Doronzo, O.M.I.; Bruce Publishing;1951-1952-1964; 310pg, 9”tall; Good+ Hardcover SALE $10

DT-5.Enchiridion Symbolorum Definitionum et Declarationum de Rebus Fidei et Morum (Latin & Greek), Henricus Denzinger, Clemente Bannwart, Johannes Bapt. Umberg; Herder; 1922; 664pg+Appendix, 8 ¼”tall; Fair Hardcover, repaired spine, few margin notes $12

DT-6.Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum de Rebus Fidei et Morum (Latin & Greek), Henrici Denzinger, Clemente Bannwart, Johannes Bapt. Umberg, Carolus Rahner; Herder; 1960; 718pg+Appendix, 8”tall; Very Good Hardcover $24                                          1952 Good+ Hardcover, slightly soiled $22                                                                                       1952-53 Good Hardcover, ex-library, some shelf wear $16

DT-7.Enchiridion Symbolorum Definitionum et Declarationum de Rebus Fidei et Morum (Latin & Greek), Henricus Denzinger, Adolfus Schönmetzer; Herder; 1963; 907pp, 7 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, darkened spine, repaired front inner hinge $20

DT-8.Sources of Catholic Dogma, English Translation of the Thirtieth Edition of Henri Denzinger’s Enchiridion Symbolorum; Translated by Roy J. Deferrari; B. Herder; 1954-1957; 653pg+67pgIndex, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $32

DT-9.Everyman’s Theology, Leo Von Rudloff, O.S.B., translated from the Eighth German Edition by the Benedictine Fathers of St. John’s Abbey; Bruce Publishing; 1942-1947; 192pg, 7 ½ to 8”tall; Good+ Hardcover SALE $5

DT-10.Faith of the Roman Church, C.C. Martindale, S.J.; Sheed & Ward; 1950-51; 134pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, no d/j $5

DT-12.God and Man, Lectures on Dogmatic Theology, Volume I God, Rev. L. LaBauche; Blasé Benziger; 1915; 376pg, 8 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover $10 $10                                              Fair Hardcover, ex-library, reinforced inner hinge $7

DT-13.God’s Truth, the Answer to Laicism, Book I, Rev. Eugene F. Marshall; 1933; 557pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover, some wear to spine & boards $8

DT-14.God the Unknown and Other Essays, Victor White, O.P.; Harvill Press; 1955; 205pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10

DT-18.Manual of Theology for the Laity, Being a Brief, Clear and Systematic Exposition of the Reason and Authority of Religion and a Practical Guide Book for All of Goodwill, Rev. P. Geiermann, C.S.S.R.; Benziger; 1906; 428pg, 7”tall; Good Hardcover $18

DT-23.Theology for the Layman, Series of Pamphlets Based on the Summa Theologica for Study Clubs of the Holy Name Society, Series 1-24; Authors Farrell, Coffey, Murphy, Egan, Mulhern, Conway, Smith, Brennan, Springmann, Fay, Martin, Hyland, Friel; Holy Name Society; 1941-1947; Good Hardcover binding $20



TG-2a.Discourses on Grace and the Sacraments, Rev. Clement Crock; Joseph F. Wagner; 1936; 293pg, 9 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover $6                                                                           Ninth Printing 1953; Good Hardcover $5

TG-4.The Glories of Divine Grace, a Fervent Exhortation to All to Preserve and Grow in Sanctifying Grace, Fr. Matthias Joseph Scheeben, translated by Patrick Shaughnessy, O.S.B.; Grail Publication; 1946-1950; Five Separate Paperbacks, Very Good $14                      Parts 1-2-3-4, Very Good Paperbacks $2 each                                                                                   TAN Books, 2000 Printing; 420pg, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Paperback $8

TG-5.Grace, Six Lenten Discourses Preached in the Parish Church of Saint Martin’s at Freiburg, Pastor Heinrich Hansjakob, adapted into English by Rev. Joseph McSorley; B. Herder; 1913; 98pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, rare original $14

TG-6a.Grace and the Sacraments Explained Based on Revised Baltimore Catechism #2 and Deharbe’s Catechism, Volume I: Grace, Baptism, Confirmation and the Holy Eucharist, Rt. Rev. Joseph Baierl; Catechetical Guild Educational Society; 1949; 366pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $14

TG-6b.Grace and the Supernatural Life (from The Holy Ghost), Edward Leen, C.S.Sp.; Sheed and Ward; 1937; 95pg, 7”tall; Good+ Paperback $10

TG-10a.Marvels of Grace, Rev. Victor Many, translation Rev. Albert D. Talbot; Bruce Publishing; 1934; 83pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover $5                                                               Fair Hardcover, much outside wear $3

TG-12.The Means of Grace (Mystical Body of Christ Series), Rev. Leon A. McNeill and Madeleine Aaron, Foreword Most Rev. Edwin V. O’Hara; St. Anthony Guild Press; 1939; 249pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Paperback $6

TG-14.Our Life of Grace, Canon F. Cuttaz, translated by Angeline Bouchard; Fides Publishers; 1958; 327pg, 8 ½”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $5 sold

TG-16.The Voice of a Priest (Sermons on the Life of Grace), Edward Leen, C.S.Sp. (his last book); Sheed & Ward; 1945-1948; 266pg, 7 ¾”tall; Good+ $14



TMB-2.Christ in His Mystical Body, C.J. Woollen; Newman Bookshop; 1948; 175pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10

TMB-5.The Living Christ (closely follows Pope Pius XII’s Encyclical “on the Mystical Body of Christ”), Rev. John L. Murphy; Bruce Publishing; 1956; 228pg, 8 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $6

TMB-6.In the Image of Christ, Sequel  to The Living Christ, Rev. John L. Murphy; Bruce Publishing; 1954; 169pg, 9”tall; Very Good Hardcover $5

TMB-9.“My” Mass from the French of Abbé Charles Grimaud by Rt. Rev. Msgr. James F. Newcomb, Preface by Most Rev. Michael J. Curley; Benziger; 1928; 236p, 7 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, possible ex-library $15

TMB-12.Mystici Corporis Christi, Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XII on the Mystical Body of Christ; National Catholic Welfare Council; 1943; with Discussion Club Outline by Rev. Edgar Schmeidler, O.S.B.; 54pp, 7 ½”tall; Good Pamphlet $5

TMB-13.Mystici Corporis Christi, Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XII on the Mystical Body of Christ; Paulist Press; 1943; with Discussion Club Outline by Rev. Gerald C. Treacy, S.J.; 88pg, 7 ¼”tall; Good Pamphlet $5

TMB-14.Mystici Corporis Christi, Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XII on the Mystical Body of Christ; America Press; with Introduction and Notes by Joseph Bluett, S.J.; 1957; 62pg, 7”tall; Good Pamphlet $5

TMB-14b.Our Part in the Mystical Body, Daniel A. Lord, S.J.; Queen’s Work: 1938; 183pg, 7 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $8

TMB-17.The Sacrifice of the Mystical Body, Canon Eugène Masure; Burns & Oates; 1954; Burns & Oates; 158pg, 8 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $5

TMB-18.That You May Live (Mystical Body of Christ as It Developed in the Life of St. Paul)), L.F. Cervantes, S.J.; Guild Press; 1945; 176pp, 8”tall; Good Hardcover $6

TMB-19.The Theology of the Mystical Body of Christ, Emile Mersch, S.J., translated by Cyril Vollert, S.J.; B. Herder; 1951-57-62; 663pg, 9 ½”tall; Good+ Hardcover $16

TMB-19a.The True Vine and Its Branches,Rev. Edward Leen, C.S.Sp.; P.J. Kenedy; 1938; 268pg, 8”tall; Good+ Hardcover, possible ex-library SALE$10

TMB-20.The Whole Christ, the Historical Development of the Mystical Body in Scripture & Tradition (Religion & Culture Series), Emile Mersch, S.J., translated by John R. Kelly, S.J.; Bruce Publishing; 1938; 623pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $28


MTH-0.The Casuist, A Collection of Cases in Moral and Pastoral Theology, prepared and edited by Rev. J.A. Mchugh, O.P.; Joseph F. Wagner; 1906-1912; 5 volumes, 9”tall; Good Hardcover, ex-library $60 set                                                                                                Volumes I, II, IV only; Good Hardcover $10 each

MTH-2.Christian Ethics, An Introduction for College Students, Rev. Leo R. Ward, C.S.C.; B. Herder; 1952; 298pp, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, some foxing $6

MTH-3.Christian Ethics, A Textbook of Right Living, J. Elliot Ross; 1919, Devin-Adair Co; 469pg; 7 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover $6

MTH-4.The Christian Virtues, A Book on Moral Theology for College Students and Lay Readers, Charles E. Sheedy, C.S.C; University of Notre Dame Press; 1951; 369pg, 9 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover $5

MTH-4a.College Moral Theology, Anthony F. Alexander; Henry Regnery; 1957; 264pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10

MTH-12.General Ethics – A Digest of Lectures, Joseph F. Sullivan, S.J.; Holy Cross College Press; 1939; 239pp, 8 ¾”tall; Fair Hardcover, underlining and writing $6

MTH-15.Handbook of Moral Theology, Dominic M. Prümmer, O.P., translated by Rev. Gerald W. Shelton, adapted for American Usage by Rev. John Gavin Nolan; P. J. Kenedy and Sons; 1957; 496pg, 7”tall; Very Good Hardcover $36

MTH-17.Man as Man – The Science and Art of Ethics, Rev. Thomas J. Higgins, S.J.; Bruce Publishing Co; 1949; 607pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover $7                                            1992 Tan Books; 585pg, 9 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $10

MTH-18.A Manual of Moral Theology for English-Speaking Countries (2 volume set), Rev. Thomas Slater, S.J.; Benziger Brothers; 1908-1918; 2 volumes, 9”tall; Good repaired Hardcover $24 set                                                                                                                          Volume II only; 1908; Good Hardcover, water-damage possible $6                                        V  Volume I only; 1925-1928, Burns Oates & Washbourne; Good Hardcover, underlining possible $8

MTH-19.Moral Principles and Practice – Papers Read at the Summer School of Catholic Studies Held at Cambridge, 1932,Rev. G. J. MacGillivray; Sheed and Ward; 1933; 326pg, 7 ½”tall; Good repaired Hardcover $12

MTH-21.Moral Theology, Rev. Heribert Jone, O.F.M.Cap; Newman Press; 1952-1963; 610-615pg, 6 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover, hinge-repair possible $18

MTH-23.Outlines of Moral Theology, Rev. Francis J. Connell, C.Ss.R; Bruce Publishing; 1953-1958; 247pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover, underlining possible SALE $5

MTH-25.A Primer of Moral Philosophy, Rev. Henry Keane, S.J.; Catholic Social Guild; 1936; 212pg, 6 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover $8

MTH-26.Principles of Ethics, Dom Thomas Verner Moore; J. B. Lippincott Co; 1935; 381pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover $8

MTH-27.Questions of Moral Theology, Rev. Thomas Slater, S.J.; Benziger Brothers; 1915; 426pg, 9”tall; Good+ Hardcover $42

MTH-28.Readings on Fundamental Moral Theology, Rt. Rev. Louis J. Nau; Frederick Pustet; 1926; 109pg, 8 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover $12

MTH-30.Right and Reason- Ethics in Theory and Practice, Austin Fagothey, S.J.; C. V. Mosby Co; 1959; 627pg, 9”tall; Good Hardcover $5

MTH-30b.Ruland’s Pastoral Theology: Volume III, Morality and the Social Order, Rev. Ludwog Ruland, adapted into English by Rev. T.A. Rattler, edited by Rev. Newton Thompson; B. Herder; 1942; 280pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good+ Hardcover, ex-library $16

MTH-31.The Science of Ethics – Volume I: General Ethics; Rev. Michael Cronin; Benziger Brothers; 1909-1939; 696pg, 8 ¼”tall; Good Hardcover, hinge-repair $24

MTH-32.A Short History of Moral Theology, Rev. Thomas Slater, S.J.; Benziger Brothers; 1909; 54pg, 9”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8

MTH-33.Special Ethics Embracing Individual, Industrial, Family, Civil Society, and International Ethics – A Digest of Lectures; Rev. Joseph F. Sullivan, S.J; Holy Cross College Press; 1945; 288pg, 8 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover $6                                                       Fair Hardcover, hinge-repair, foxing possible $4

Email orders: bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com


PTH-2.The Busy Pastor’s Book on Matrimony, Canon P. Durieux, translated by Rev. Oliver Dolphin, Foreword Most Rev. Austin Dowling; 1926, Sanford Press; 215pg, 7 ¾”tall; Good Hardcover $8

PTH-3.The Busy Pastor’s Guide – A Resume of Canon Law, Moral and Pastoral Theology, and Relevant Decisions of the Roman Congregations, Canon Laurent, translated by Rev. Oliver Dolphin, Foreword Most Rev. Austin Dowling; 1924; Lakeside Press; 256pg, 7 ¼”tall; Good+ Hardcover, possible soiled boards $6 copies

PTH-5.Clerical Courtesy, Rev. Albert Rung; 1931; Bruce Publishing; 86pg, 7” tall; Very Good Hardcover $6

PTH-6.Handbook of Notes on Theology, Andrew F. Browne, C.SS.R; 1931-1958, Redemptorist Fathers; 108pg, 6 ¼” tall; Very Good Hardcover SALE $4 copies

PTH-8.The Pastoral Companion, Fr. Louis Anler, O.F.M, adapted by Fr. Honoratus Bonzelet; 1930; Franciscan Herald Press; 199pg, 7 ¾”tall; Good black leather, repaired hinges $8

PTH-9.The Pastoral Companion, formerly edited by Honoratus Bonzelet, O.F.M., revised and amplified by Marcian J. Mathis, O.F.M. and Clement R. Leahy, O.F.M; 1939-1958; Franciscan Herald Press; 419pg, 7 ½”tall; Good+ brown Hardcover $8 copies

PTH-10.The Pastoral Companion, A Handbook of Canon Law, Marcian Mathis, O.F.M. and Nicholas W. Meyer, O.F.M; 12th Edition 1961; Franciscan Herald Press; 474pg, 7 ½”tall; Very Good Hardcover gray and red Hardcover $10

PTH-11.Pastoral Theology, Rev. Wm. Stang; Benziger Brothers; 1897; 336pg, 8 ¼” tall; Very Good Hardcover $12

PTH-21.The Pastor and Marriage Cases, The Celebration, Ajudication and Dissolution of Marriage, Rev. Matthew Ramstein;, Benziger Brothers; 1936-1938-1945; 252-263pg, 8”tall; Very Good Hardcover, possible underlining SALE $5 copies

PTH-22.Priests’ Problems, Answers to Points of Moral, Canonical, Liturgical and Rubrical Interest, Canon E. J. Mahoney; Benziger Brothers; 1958; 468pg, 9”tall; Very Good Hardcover $20

PTH-24.The Shepherd and His Flock, On the Duties and Responsibilities of Catholic Pastors, Rt. Rev. Cornelius J. Holland; David McKay; 1952; 220pg, 8 ¼”tall; Very Good Hardcover $8

PTH-27.Some of the Pastor’s Problems; Rev. M.V. Kelly, C.S.B; Saint Michael’s College; 1952; 224pg, 7 ¾”tall; Very Good Hardcover $18

email: bnzcatholicbooks@gmail.com